İsveç Nobel Akademisi'nden yapılan açıklamada, 75 yaşındaki sanatçının, Amerikan müzik geleneğinde "yeni şiirsel ifadeler yarattığı" için bu ödüle layık görüldüğü belirtilmiştir.
“Gelin savaş efendileri/Siz, silahları yapanlar/Siz, ölüm uçakları yapanlar/Siz, dev bombaları yapanlar/Siz, duvarların ardına gizlenenler/Bilmenizi isterim ki, Maskelerinizin ardını görüyorum.” ifadelerini kullanan Bob Dylan, “Gerçek kahramanlık katletmekte değil, katletmeyi reddetmektedir. Kapital’in hizmetinde katledeceğinize ve öleceğinize; tüm ülkelerdeki hapishaneleri, ıslahevlerini ve bütün tımarhaneleri doldurun! ”
Sarki soylemek icin sesinin cok guzel olmasinin gerekli olmadigini kanitlamis cagimizin en iyi ozani. Ilgisi olmayan birinin bile en az 10 sarkisini begenerek dinleyebilcegi yuce bir insan.
çağrıştırdıkları ha :) şimdi desem ki ben, çıtır çıtır bi gofreti çaprıştırıyor ya daaaa hımm.. insanın heidi olup dağlarda keçilerle zıplayası geliyor..adım deliye çıkar,demiyim en iyisi :))
'yeniden hayata gelseydim asla müzik yapmazdım,matemetikle ugrasırdım ya da ne bilim mimari olabilirdi' diyen ve günümüzde rock gruplarını amatör olarak nitelendiren bir sahıstır aynı zamanda..
Dünya müzigine damgasni vurmus bir ozan,ayrica babadan kizina gecen bulasici bir hastalik BOB DYLAN..2000 yili Mayis ayi ve unutamayacagim bir müzik söleni.. 'Love Sick', 'Desolation Row','Man In The Long Black Coat', 'The Death is Not the End','Every Grain of Sand', 'Changing Of The Guards', 'Forever Young'.... bu sarkilari dinleyipte onu sevmemek mümkün mü?
'Siz, tetikleri yaparsınız Başkaları ateş etsin diye... Sonra yaslanır arkanıza bakarsınız Ölüler nasıl çogalıyor diye... Ve evlerinizde saklanırsınız Genç insanların kanları Bedenlerini terkedip karışırken çamura..
Mızıkalı adam, adam gibi adam, abd gibi her nevi tüketimin ışık hızı ile yapıldığı bir ülke de yaptığı her eylem, söylediği her söz ile, rock dan folk a, country den jazz a bir çok türevi etkilemiş-beslemiş-abilik yapmış bir vak'a bir aydın(sadece müzikal anlam da değil) , şimdilerin ihtiyarı
Knockin' on Heaven's Door Mama, take this badge off of me I can't use it anymore. It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Mama, put my guns in the ground I can't shoot them anymore. That long black cloud is comin' down I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
I laid on a dune, I looked at the sky, When the children were babies and played on the beach. You came up behind me, I saw you go by, You were always so close and still within reach.
Sara, Sara, Whatever made you want to change your mind? Sara, Sara, So easy to look at, so hard to define.
I can still see them playin' with their pails in the sand, They run to the water their buckets to fill. I can still see the shells fallin' out of their hands As they follow each other back up the hill.
Sara, Sara, Sweet virgin angel, sweet love of my life, Sara, Sara, Radiant jewel, mystical wife.
Sleepin' in the woods by a fire in the night, Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar, Them playin' leapfrog and hearin' about Snow White, You in the marketplace in Savanna-la-Mar.
Sara, Sara, It's all so clear, I could never forget, Sara, Sara, Lovin' you is the one thing I'll never regret.
I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist bells, I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through, Stayin' up for days in the Chelsea Hotel, Writin' 'Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands' for you.
Sara, Sara, Wherever we travel we're never apart. Sara, oh Sara, Beautiful lady, so dear to my heart.
How did I meet you? I don't know. A messenger sent me in a tropical storm. You were there in the winter, moonlight on the snow And on Lily Pond Lane when the weather was warm.
Sara, oh Sara, Scorpio Sphinx in a calico dress, Sara, Sara, You must forgive me my unworthiness.
Now the beach is deserted except for some kelp And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore. You always responded when I needed your help, You gimme a map and a key to your door.
Sara, oh Sara, Glamorous nymph with an arrow and bow, Sara, oh Sara, Don't ever leave me, don't ever go.
Oh, sister, when I come to lie in your arms You should not treat me like a stranger. Our Father would not like the way that you act And you must realize the danger.
Oh, sister, am I not a brother to you And one deserving of affection? And is our purpose not the same on this earth, To love and follow his direction?
We grew up together From the cradle to the grave We died and were reborn And then mysteriously saved.
Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door, Don't turn away, you'll create sorrow. Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore You may not see me tomorrow.
ONE MORE CUP OF COFFEE Your breath is sweet Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky. Your back is straight, your hair is smooth On the pillow where you lie. But I don`t sense affection No gratitude or love Your loyalty is not to me But to the stars above. One more cup of coffee for the road, One more cup of coffee `fore I go To the valley below. Your daddy he`s an outlaw And a wanderer by trade He`ll teach you how to pick and choose And how to throw the blade. He oversees his kingdom So no stranger does intrude His voice it trembles as he calls out For another plate of food. One more cup of coffee for the road, One more cup of coffee `fore I go To the valley below. Your sister sees the future Like your mama and yourself. You`ve never learned to read or write There`s no books upon your shelf. And your pleasure knows no limits Your voice is like a meadowlark But your heart is like an ocean Mysterious and dark. One more cup of coffee for the road, One more cup of coffee `fore I go To the valley below.
İsveç Nobel Akademisi'nden yapılan açıklamada, 75 yaşındaki sanatçının, Amerikan müzik geleneğinde "yeni şiirsel ifadeler yarattığı" için bu ödüle layık görüldüğü belirtilmiştir.
Nobel Edebiyat Ödülü'nü kazanan ilk söz yazarı...
How does it feel
How does it feel
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown
Like a rolling stone?
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
ahanda buraya tikliyceng!
arkadaşın biri bu tarz sevdiği kişiler için kız olsam verirdim der o geldi aklıma niyeyse,:P
“Gelin savaş efendileri/Siz, silahları yapanlar/Siz, ölüm uçakları yapanlar/Siz, dev bombaları yapanlar/Siz, duvarların ardına gizlenenler/Bilmenizi isterim ki, Maskelerinizin ardını görüyorum.” ifadelerini kullanan Bob Dylan, “Gerçek kahramanlık katletmekte değil, katletmeyi reddetmektedir. Kapital’in hizmetinde katledeceğinize ve öleceğinize; tüm ülkelerdeki hapishaneleri, ıslahevlerini ve bütün tımarhaneleri doldurun! ”
one more cup of coffee for i go
one more cup of coffee for the road
to the valley bellow
'when you think that you've lost everything,
you find that you can always lose a little bit more'
lord of the music... ama insanların ona bob daylın demesinden nefret ediyorum... okunuşu bob dilın... ok? beni sinir etmeyin:P
Babam bu adam benim ya...
One more cup of cofee yi söylerken o buğulu sesi yokmu.
Çok iyi ya
Sarki soylemek icin sesinin cok guzel olmasinin gerekli olmadigini kanitlamis cagimizin en iyi ozani. Ilgisi olmayan birinin bile en az 10 sarkisini begenerek dinleyebilcegi yuce bir insan.
çağrıştırdıkları ha :) şimdi desem ki ben, çıtır çıtır bi gofreti çaprıştırıyor ya daaaa hımm.. insanın heidi olup dağlarda keçilerle zıplayası geliyor..adım deliye çıkar,demiyim en iyisi :))
'yeniden hayata gelseydim asla müzik yapmazdım,matemetikle ugrasırdım ya da ne bilim mimari olabilirdi' diyen ve günümüzde rock gruplarını amatör olarak nitelendiren bir sahıstır aynı zamanda..
bir saat 25 dakkadır I And I şarkısını indirmeye uğraşıorum; 20 sn çalıp 7 dakka boyunca atlıyo ii mi..
üstelik nakarata bile uğramadan
one more cup of coffee en güzel şarkısı.vokaldeki kadının sesi çok büyüleyici...
elbet, bittabii ki 'one more cup of coffee' olmazsa olmaz, 'sarah'.. çirkin deha..
müziği ile büyüyüp güzelleşen çirkin ördek yavrusu
m.pfeiferın dangereous minds filminde mr.thumbering man diye bir parçası vardı tek bildiğm eseri odur.
Dünya müzigine damgasni vurmus bir ozan,ayrica babadan kizina gecen bulasici bir hastalik BOB DYLAN..2000 yili Mayis ayi ve unutamayacagim bir müzik söleni.. 'Love Sick', 'Desolation Row','Man In The Long Black Coat', 'The Death is Not the End','Every Grain of Sand', 'Changing Of The Guards', 'Forever Young'.... bu sarkilari dinleyipte onu sevmemek mümkün mü?
one more cup of cofee....
'Siz, tetikleri yaparsınız
Başkaları ateş etsin diye...
Sonra yaslanır arkanıza
Ölüler nasıl çogalıyor diye...
Ve evlerinizde saklanırsınız
Genç insanların kanları
Bedenlerini terkedip karışırken çamura..
' 'Masters of War' - Bob Dylan
Mızıkalı adam, adam gibi adam, abd gibi her nevi tüketimin ışık hızı ile yapıldığı bir ülke de yaptığı her eylem, söylediği her söz ile, rock dan folk a, country den jazz a bir çok türevi etkilemiş-beslemiş-abilik yapmış
bir vak'a bir aydın(sadece müzikal anlam da değil) , şimdilerin ihtiyarı
Knockin' on Heaven's Door
Mama, take this badge off of me
I can't use it anymore.
It's gettin' dark, too dark for me to see
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Mama, put my guns in the ground
I can't shoot them anymore.
That long black cloud is comin' down
I feel like I'm knockin' on heaven's door.
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
Knock, knock, knockin' on heaven's door
I laid on a dune, I looked at the sky,
When the children were babies and played on the
You came up behind me, I saw you go by,
You were always so close and still within reach.
Sara, Sara,
Whatever made you want to change your mind?
Sara, Sara,
So easy to look at, so hard to define.
I can still see them playin' with their pails in the
They run to the water their buckets to fill.
I can still see the shells fallin' out of their
As they follow each other back up the hill.
Sara, Sara,
Sweet virgin angel, sweet love of my life,
Sara, Sara,
Radiant jewel, mystical wife.
Sleepin' in the woods by a fire in the night,
Drinkin' white rum in a Portugal bar,
Them playin' leapfrog and hearin' about Snow White,
You in the marketplace in Savanna-la-Mar.
Sara, Sara,
It's all so clear, I could never forget,
Sara, Sara,
Lovin' you is the one thing I'll never regret.
I can still hear the sounds of those Methodist
I'd taken the cure and had just gotten through,
Stayin' up for days in the Chelsea Hotel,
Writin' 'Sad-Eyed Lady of the Lowlands' for you.
Sara, Sara,
Wherever we travel we're never apart.
Sara, oh Sara,
Beautiful lady, so dear to my heart.
How did I meet you? I don't know.
A messenger sent me in a tropical storm.
You were there in the winter, moonlight on the snow
And on Lily Pond Lane when the weather was warm.
Sara, oh Sara,
Scorpio Sphinx in a calico dress,
Sara, Sara,
You must forgive me my unworthiness.
Now the beach is deserted except for some kelp
And a piece of an old ship that lies on the shore.
You always responded when I needed your help,
You gimme a map and a key to your door.
Sara, oh Sara,
Glamorous nymph with an arrow and bow,
Sara, oh Sara,
Don't ever leave me, don't ever go.
Oh Sister
Oh, sister, when I come to lie in your arms
You should not treat me like a stranger.
Our Father would not like the way that you act
And you must realize the danger.
Oh, sister, am I not a brother to you
And one deserving of affection?
And is our purpose not the same on this earth,
To love and follow his direction?
We grew up together
From the cradle to the grave
We died and were reborn
And then mysteriously saved.
Oh, sister, when I come to knock on your door,
Don't turn away, you'll create sorrow.
Time is an ocean but it ends at the shore
You may not see me tomorrow.
Your breath is sweet
Your eyes are like two jewels in the sky.
Your back is straight, your hair is smooth
On the pillow where you lie.
But I don`t sense affection
No gratitude or love
Your loyalty is not to me
But to the stars above.
One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee `fore I go
To the valley below.
Your daddy he`s an outlaw
And a wanderer by trade
He`ll teach you how to pick and choose
And how to throw the blade.
He oversees his kingdom
So no stranger does intrude
His voice it trembles as he calls out
For another plate of food.
One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee `fore I go
To the valley below.
Your sister sees the future
Like your mama and yourself.
You`ve never learned to read or write
There`s no books upon your shelf.
And your pleasure knows no limits
Your voice is like a meadowlark
But your heart is like an ocean
Mysterious and dark.
One more cup of coffee for the road,
One more cup of coffee `fore I go
To the valley below.
ağabeyim gitarına bağladığı armonikayla onun parçalarını çalardı...dinlerdim...severdim...