"Hayatın en önemli dinamikleri çatlaklardır. Çatlakları bilir misin sevgili Meryam? İnanılmaz ilginçtirler. Hani Leonard Cohen'in bir lafı vardır. "Çatlaklar kutsaldır, çünkü ışığı içeri sızdırırlar" diye. Senin şu an içinde bulunduğun durum, tam da böyle bir durum işte.."
"Yaşama sanatı da gündelik rutini hiçe sayarak tezahür eder. Ne demek gündelik rutini hiçe saymak? Bunu ancak en alışılmış olandaki harikuladeliği keşfederek yapabilirsiniz.."
"...Duygularımız içimizdeki rehberin elçileridir. Öfke,hüzün,telaş ,mutluluk,hayâl kırıklığı,özlem; hepsi birer elçi ve bize bir mesaj vermeye çalışıyorlar.Bunlar biz uyanıkken verilen mesajlar İçimizdeki rehber,vicdanımız.Biz uyurken de rüyalar yoluyla mesaj vermeye devam ederler. Duygularınızı tanıyın ve onların köklerini bir an önce dikkate almaya başlayın.Yaşam size özgü öyle olaylar çıkarır ki karşınıza.Başkasına değil, sadece size.Aynı ortamda bir çok insan olsa da yaşadıklarınız size özgüdür."
What is the most important thing to do. Is this a good thing or a bad thing. How many do you want. What is a successful life accordıng to you. How can that problem be fixed. How many cars dıd you have. getting a job. What is the solution. Do you know any poetry. Which ones would you like. How many are left. What are the best alternatives. Do you stay or leave. How long do you want to stay. is this harmful. I hope you get better. how do you respond. do you believe in luck. Which is more important. Please Explain why you think so. what motivates you. do you need motivation. Do you trust me. Are you good at saving money. Is the address correct. why do you think like that. over time everything changes. give it to me some examples. How good is your memory. Would you like to volunteer. Which one do you choose. Describe your best friend. how will. how will you. What will happen. what should i do. what should i do for you. what should i do now. what should i say. how did that happen. how would you define happiness. Can I do anything to help. Who's with you. I have other question. I'll try later. Is this a good time to talk. could I please talk to ali. That's okay. you can bring it in. let me take a look. can i help you with something. I can't figure it out. When's a good time for me to come. Is tomorrow okay for you. probably not Likely not. I'll see you around 2. I'm not feeling well right now. Can you take a look at it. there is more than enough. What are my options. What are you interested in. Could I please get another one. is that possible. I hope so. I'll be right back. Can I get. can I give it a try. I'm going to be late. would you like to reschedule. i won't be able to. i won't be able to come. that'll be fun, that'll be fine, that'll work. can i please have. let's get this sorted out. we're all mad here. we're all in the same game. I didn't see anything. i don't do anything wrong. Don't rush, don't be sad, don't be shy, don't be afraid, don't be late, don't be pessimistic, don't be angry with me. What style do you like. We have a couple of options. Let's have a look over here. can you tell me how to. can you show me how to. For how many days. one of them. How long are you staying for. what is the reason of this. for what reason. for where, for when, for how long, for how much. How thick. how thin. When would you like to pick it up. we have a few. Let me have a look. I am looking forward to you. What is the best. what will happen. what will happen now. what will happen next. what will happen tomorrow. should i wait. Should I wait for you. can you tell me more about yourself. Do you have any time. Do you know anything. do you own a car. what will be the final price. whose baby you are. How often do you cook. do you enjoy cooking. How good are you at cooking. How good are you at your work. How good are you at driving. how hard is your work. what do you have to do now. what do you have to do today. is there a lot of work. is there a problem. are you a creative person. do you wish to continue. what city are you in. how about going to the cinema. is there anything you want to ask. is there anything you need. is there anything wrong. is there anybody there. how do you feel. do you know him. do you like this. do you like it. Did you like. did you have breakfast. What do you wish for. when do you want to meet. when do you want to come. When do you want to go. Do you agree or disagree. Which country are you from. Do you agree with me. Who do you think will win. who do you think. Keep in mind. what will we cook for dinner. What will you do now. what do you think of me. what makes you happy. How often do you read books. What would you like to do. if you could. shall we wait. what do you say. there it is. What was the problem. I can give. you should be careful. you should be here. i'd like to know. what can I help you with today. i'm having trouble. Give me a minute please. what would you like to know. what would you like to do. You look great today. You have the best ideas. do you have any questions. Have a great trip. i don't go anywhere. please take it out. What's the purpose of. what do you do, what's your occupation, what's your job. do you have a favorite song. One second please. Let me check. I'm not sure let me check for you. can I help you find something. Do you need help finding anything. i'm just browsing. how many would you like. pick it up. why did you do this. why did you say that. why do you ask. Do you have any plans. What are you up to this weekend. have fun. Where did you go. where did you hear that. I'm out. better than. better than yesterday. better than expected. i enjoyed talking to you. nice talking to you. Tell me about your job. Where did you grow up. i haven't decided yet. i got it now. i got it wrong. Can I get you something to drink. I loved all the food. everything looks good. Everything was so delicious. I just ate dinner. over and over again. can i take your number. I am only joking. can i take it. should i take. Do I need to go. thanks for the invite. it's been a long day. Are you interested. I need to chill out. what do you have in mind. if you have time. coming right up. let's make something. Your car is so lovely. Your dress looks so nice. could you please show me. Where would you like to sit. welcome Sir. can i get a. can i get a kiss. please don't. What do you recommend. on your right. over there. not so great. I don't think so. Sorry to hear that. I am pleased to hear that. Please let me know if you need anything. let's eat dinner, let's eat together. definitely yes. can we stop here. what about this. that's a nice name. You look really nice. What a lovely. what a lovely day. looks great. You're too kind. I can explain. i already did. Do you want to go together. that would be great. What can I do for you. I'm wondering. let's do it. I appreciate your help. No worries. no worries at all. That's very kind of you. it was nothing. My pleasure. It was no problem at all. I was happy to help. Long time no see. after a while. Same old Same old. just the usual. For sure. talk to you later. sounds good. I need to get back to my work. I do too. What did you do. my bad, my mistake, my fault. Do you mind. if you wouldn't mind. you can do it. ran out of. you are very skill. What kind of problem is it exactly. what type of work do you do. I'll go and check it out immediately. I mostly come out at night. That’s good to know. do you suspect me. i want to speak with you. describe your personality. Where did you live when you were a child. fall in love with you. What advice do you give me. Would you like to try again. what do you plan to do. When do you want to retire. Do you prefer darker or brighter. What was it like. Do you enjoy. Who is responsible for this. Are you good at keeping secrets. may i sit here. did you make it. did you make it yourself. How do you relieve stress. How stressed are you. Are there any benefits of smoking. correct me if i read wrong. you look cool too. Why do people love. Are there any drawbacks. Why do you think so. How will you get there. How often do you skip breakfast. Where do you go. Did you or do you enjoy going to university. What are we going to cook. When are you going to get up tomorrow. What are you going to do. when are you going to buy it. What are you going to do this weekend. What are you going to do after work. It’s not going to rain. Are cats as fun as dogs. you know what I mean. I guess. come closer to me. I need to ask you something. from now on i am start. watch out, pay attention to, take care of, be careful. watch and learn. it is the only explanation. do it again. please stop it right now. what's wrong with you. you're kidding right. this isn't right. it's not exactly. you still are a kid. i have never seen anything like this. i haven't done this before. I did not do. think about it. you are impatient be patient. I'm more than ready. get it right this time. why are you looking at like. get ready please. sleep tight. are you all right. whichever is easier. Which is more exciting. Which is more enjoyable. Which is more important. is it better. Is it better to have more free time or more money. You are funnier than him. How long does it take. Is there anything you refuse to eat. Where should I park. Tell me step by step how. have a cup of coffee. Find a job you love. we have a lot of time. you are really sad. It must be you ready. Have you been getting enough sleep. we should take a break. Have you tried this before. Where have you been. who are you texting. What were you doing last night. Who were you talking to just now. I was sleeping last night at 12. How can that be. i will do shortly after. I'm so excited again. you should get more sleep. you should get less sleep. i ask you to hold this for a moment. Could you hold this for a moment. Thank you for your contribution. i'll help you. You're not tired today are you. You haven't been to istanbul have you. You're hungry aren't you. you are the funniest person here. How many hours a day do you work. I confess. confess it. I have to admit. Who did you learn from. shall I go on. do go on, Go ahead, continue, keep going. do you think I should go up there. Now what. I realize something. I don't want to compare. this term. A short while later. i introduce myself. i'm so happy you're here. It’s great to see you. everything’s going to be fine. it will be very useful. Are you more relaxed now. I go over to ali. How to use it. are you all right. Shortly after eat. What do I do now. What should I do in this situation. I have to gain some time. What a coincidence. Do you really want to know. i don't want any trouble. i have to hide. Why are you looking concerned. Leave me alone please. I can't be late. I don't want to be embarrassed again. i burst out laughing. i can't wait. towards you. leave it to me. keep this secret among us. I didn't mention you. Are you kidding. you must not concern yourself about me. do you think of me. Keep the change. cautiously optimistic. I find out things. wish i bought it sooner. wish i knew. we have to get out of here. What did you just say. time's up. I'm all in. what are you gonna do about it. do i know you from somewhere. what did you get me. Do you read anything. Do you slept good. What's a pleasant surprise. I'm so glad you stopped by. Not anymore. I don't normally do this. what time do you get off work. I'm glad you asked. Can't we have dinner. i couldn't. that's crazy. I want to withdraw money. have a sit please. I don't know what to do. i don't think I could do it. maybe I could do it. this is unreasonable. I don't mind I don't care. settle down calm down cool down. i'm so grateful to you. I'm thankful to you. what's the matter with you. I insist. Thank you for being so good. what's your point. I'll be right back. what did you want to tell me. you can come, you can go, you can check, you can say, you can pay, you can try. have I come at a bad time. I think you do. let me make sure I understand this. this is all i have. when did that happened. Let me take a look. I had a really nice time tonight. I could not fully understand. This is disgusting. I'll take care of it. That's a good point. so obvious. Absolutely awful. I'm burning up. i want to snuggle up to you. That is quite a situation. Do you want to know. I don't want to know. I'm coming out. I want to apologize. I'm going to go for a walk. that is weird. I can't take it anymore. Do you want me to teach you. i got used to. i got used to you a lot. go get some rest. are you telling me the truth. I specialize in shopping. None of these issues. you are glowing. I don't want to bother you. anniversary celebration. you made me happy. I am aware. what took you to the US. I want to listen to you. He has muscle but no brains. I'm on it. I am working on it. learning process. Forget about me. do you want to talk about yourself. Tell me about yourself. More or less? you know what to do. how do I look. get away from me. i got angry. How did you make it. Would you like me to help you. We'll continue our Friendship. do the right thing. can I ask you something. what are you doing here. what time are you coming. what time are you leaving. what time are you available. how could you do this. you look cute. you should be here with me. my fault my mistake. Are you upset about something. not about me, not about you, not about us. What am I supposed to do. You are supposed to come. I am supposed to finish my job. i did that for you. I'll do it. I got to go to work. I got to go to sleep. I got to go to home. you got to come with me. great to have you back. sweetie don't say that. I still can't believe it. i'm just going home. we all are. all of us. I have had a very long, hard day. i have to tell you something. i have to tell you something else. it could happen. you selfish. What a selfish thing to do. i owe you a lot. if you were me, what would you do. by the way, you are so sweet. can I talk to you for a second. can you believe it. are you crying. have I come at a bad time. I don't give a shit. what are you gonna do about it. let me make sure I understand this. that's not gonna happen. why the hell not. I see how it is. you're mistaken. i'm comfortable. i'm comfortable here. Time's up. Do I know you from somewhere. i don't think so. What did you get me. i told you before. can I have. can I have my key. i almost go. what a pleasant surprise. I'm so glad you stopped by. not anymore. you only care about money. I don't normally do this. what time do you get off tonight. i'm glad you asked. i'm never give up. this was lovely. I can make you breakfast. what did I teach you. i'm an exception. I work better alone. I deserve you. whenever i want. I apologize to you. i apologize for the delay. take it or leave it. i'm not asking you for anything. i don't think you should. Why don't you stay with us. don't even think about it. you scared the hell out of me. Look at you. What are you doing here. what makes you think so. just in case. it depends. I have a problem about use prepositions. how can i solve this. I'm usually a very emotional person. I will not interfere in your life. don't interfere in my life. let's be free. ability, aptitude, talent. I give up. I changed my mind. i was going to say. i was going. i ask myself all the time. I will not do anything. You can do this. what is wrong with you. I was thinking about you. do you have the time. go after dreams not people. you are five minutes late. is there a reason. I don't really care. Can I get you anything. Why don't you have a seat here. We should hire you. open it up please. How did you know that. fire up this laptop. I'm gonna show you. Pick a topic. pick location. anywhere. not right now. not right. not possible. not sure yet. not sure what you mean. that's impressive. if you want to be strong. if you want to be happy. if you want to be successful. if you want to come. once a week. i needed some rest. I lost my scholarship. Let me tell you something. This is eazy work. I like to hang out with you. Move over. Here's what you're gonna do. I don't expect from anyone. We'll be fine my love. You read books. I have many different interests. booked up. I don't want to talk about it. Are you mad at me?. you're fired. for the last time ask you. from now on. what's the matter with you. I bet you can't. let's try one. what the hell was that. could I talk to you just for a minute. let me in. I'm going to do it. can I tell you a little secret. it was awful. do you want my advice. Do you want to sit down. How do you feel today. What do you mean. Don't change your mind. Lord, increase my knowledge. You are our Protector. Allah is enough to trust. where there is hardship there is also ease. grant me wisdom, join me with the righteous. the best protector and the best helper. Don't abandon yourself to despair. Will you be able to come? i agree to the above terms. Have you ever traveled abroad? You are absolutely indispensable! Bargaining is unacceptable. I feel very happy when I see you. No access possible. let's go i will accompany you. would you accompany me. Everything is going according to schedule. Your words are accurate. 100 per cent accurate. accurate and complete. You can't accuse me. You work hard and achieve a lot. I wish you every achievement. This is your achievement. i acknowledge. i acknowledge that i have read. i acquired knowledge and experience. Let's all get together and act as one. i have to slowly and smoothly action. I need the actual figures, not an estimate. I need time to adapt. I want to add. i will be no additional charges. I work in the Sales Administration department. I Admire your courage. I admire your patience. I admire your professionalism. I must admit. it's time to adopt a different strategy. I wish to advance. He is advanced in age. advantages and disadvantages. adventure holiday. advertise it. I was impressed. Don't mix me up in your affairs. I was deeply affected. i afford it. Afterwards I felt a great. against all odds. I'm against it. It's against the rules. What's on the agenda? I'm an agent. Let's ask a travel agent. You need to become more aggressive. We're in agreement. That wasn't our agreement. look ahead. I need a first aid kit. i aided him with money,. I aim to be a writer. What's your aim in life? Don't be too alarmed. I feel more dead than alive. I feel more alive. Please allow me to go. I'm allowing you to go. Allow me. along the way. I can't alter the plan. i need to alter my lifestyle. Although he is rich he works very hard. Although i am loving, I will forget. I was amazed. I admire your ambition. I'm happy to be among you. losses amounted to over 10 million dollars. That's ancient history. I can understand your anger. different angle. What happened to your ankle? i announced. I have an exciting announcement. How annoying. Do I annoy you? annoyed me. annual income. You seem anxious. We will never been apart. Apparently it worked. We made an appeal for support. you appear to be strong and healthy. I find your appearance attractive. I will applying for a job. I appreciate your telling me. I suggest a different approach. Let's try another approach. That's not appropriate. Is this appropriate? I need your approval. I approve of your plan. approximately how much. That must be the architect. I'm interested in architecture. I am not in the mood to argue. don't argue with me. I lost that argument. We had an argument. Someone caught me by the arm. armed forces. I will hold you in my arms. army officer. I don't want you around me. I'll arrange it. Everything is all arranged. Can you arrange it? I'll make the arrangements. My neighbor was arrested last night. You are under arrest. Have you read this article? I have artistic ability. ashamed of you. are you ashamed of me? step aside please. i fell asleep last night. how do you assess this. let's assess the situation again! What are the positive aspects? What do you mean by "assessments"? What is another word for "assessments"? Have you done your assignment? I was out of town on an assignment. I'll assist you. I'm here to assist you. You shouldn't associate with people like that. I assume you're angry. I assume you can speak turkish. i deeply attached to you. Attack is the best form of defense. i will make one last attempt. Who'll attend, I'll attend, I won't be able to attend. i like attention. I didn't pay attention. I did not want to attract attention. I like your attitude. Her attitude disgusts me. I suggest you call an attorney. I'm attracted to you. We're attracted to each other. you are very attractive. There was a large audience in the theater. My aunt sent me a birthday present. I don't have the authority. i average 7 hour's work a day. avoid contact with eyes. I won an award as well. I'm aware of the difficulties. Keep away from the dog. I feel awful about that. I'm taking a step backwards. I need it badly. We must balance our budget. Tom is banned from entering. We should ban ad. Did you have a band? Don't bar me out. This story is based on my experience. based on the text. What's your basis for saying this? What is the basis for this? I'm battling. I'm winning the battle. I can't bear to see your cry. Tom has been beaten. You're a beauty. She runs a beauty shop. I became rich. I became emotional. you become beauty. I'm not a beggar. my god I beg you to forgive me. I began to doubt. I think I have to begin working. i apologize for my behavior. The house is being built at the moment. That's a mistaken belief. We belong together. I belong here. Please read the text below. I bent over to pick up the pen. Bend down. The tree must be bent while it is young. I bet you're a great teacher. I am beyond hope. That's beyond me. I'm a bit tired. Take a bite. Does your dog bite? This tea is too bitter. Even if you are not to blame you should apologize. blame it on the translator. It's blank. My mind went blank. Love is blind. i'm not blind. Tom likes blondes. blow on candles. i boarded the ship. What time does boarding begin? I'll boil the beans for you. There is a strong bond of affection between us. I can feel it in my bones. All the seats are booked. I passed across the border. you know no borders. are you bored. I had a boring day. Can I borrow some love from you? from top to bottom. Grab the bottom. Which brand do you prefer? What's your favorite brands. You're really brave, aren't you? Can I get a kilo of chicken breast please? Your beauty is breathtaking. I don't have time to breathe. bride to be. I'll be brief. I have broad lips. Do you listen to the broadcast? Then the bubble burst! bulletproof. I'll send you a bunch of flowers. How did you burn your hand? I will bury you. Good wine needs no bush. you are very calm. The next campaign was more successful. The candidate had lost the election. If the cap fits. Make sure you put the cap back. You are very capable. You're the captain. I know how to capture you. No one cares. I care about you. I care about this. Let's talk about your career. It was careless of me. Let me carry it. I can carry that for you. I like cartoons. I bought one just in case. I don't think that's the case. I'll catch you. That causes a problem. Ali pointed up at the ceiling. You're a celebrity now. Is there central heating in this building? Let's look ahead to the next century. I don't know for certain. Are you certain about this. I should definitely go. Let's definitely do that. I was chained to the desk all day. If you pull too hard, the chain will break. We elected you chairman. Is that a challenge. Give it a chance. I'll take my chance. I met him by chance. charity begins at home. I am active doing charity work. I'd like to look at that chart. Please take this chart. I want to have a little chat with you about Ali. Nice talking to you. It was nice chatting with you. Don't cheat. cheerful and lively. A cheerful wife is the joy of life. Put your head on my chest. childhood memories. This park reminds me of my childhood. Circumstances have changed. I should accommodate to the new circumstance. please cite your source. There is no scientific basis for these claims. That claim is simply not true. We should add this clause to the contract. He is a clerk, for a judge. I have a client with me. What's your favorite climate? En sevdiğiniz iklim nedir? i am used to climbing mountains. This cloth feels smooth. Change your clothes. clothing store. I want to fly above the clouds. Did you find any clues. The coal is burning. I went to the coast. Get your coat, Take your coat. I don't have coins. you are about to collapse. Stand up straight. He is my colleague. Did you collect them all. I found this column interesting. I combine work with pleasure. Everybody wants to live in comfort. I am under your command. I have no comment. I'm committed. What crime have I committed? I'm not ready for commitment. It's pretty common. Is that a common name? We have that in common. We have so much in common. I communicate well with my customer. don't compare yourself to others. your beauty is incomparable. I don't like this comparison. Compared to yours, my car is small. comparison destroys personality. I want to compete with you. Competition is good. Ali wins the competition. Are you competitive. please Quit complaining. I shouldn't complain. I've got no complaints. Aircraft component. I really like the concept. I understand why you're concerned. I'm not concerned with the details. What have you concluded. With one word more I conclude. What conclusion did you come to? How do you come to that conclusion. I only have one condition. What are the conditions. We are in good condition. your conduct was admirable. He conducts his business very well. Who is conducting the here. I admire your confidence. I have complete confidence in you. Have confidence in yourself. Confident and decisive leadership. What more do you need to be confident! What more do you need to be confident! I can confirm this. I can neither confirm nor deny this. I try to avoid conflict. I'm confused. Don't confuse me. I'm just too conscious. He's unconscious. It's of no consequence. I must accept the consequences. I should think of the consequences. Sometimes I'm conservative. Consider it done. I'll consider it. Consider my request. I'll take it into consideration. Thank you for your consideration. Theory should consist with practice. be consistent. constant speed. a constant friend. i work constantly. I wonder when this building was constructed. In other words, it is a social construct. What kinds of food do you consume? This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity, I Try to be a more rational consumer. That book contains useful ideas. This box contains apples. What does that box contain? I like contemporary literature. Are you contented. May I see the contents of the package? What time does that contest start? How about a contest. The context is important. There are seven continents on the earth. annoys me. This continuous noise annoys me. continuous improvement. I would like to contribute. When is it convenient for you? That isn't convenient for me. How can I convince you? I don't eat core. The TRT is a corporate body. I don't want to live in the countryside. How many counties are there in Florida? I'll see you in a couple days. You're such a beautiful couple. Are you courageous. Tom is in court. My computer crashed. A mouse is a timid creature. I have a good crew. Love is not a crime. crisis management. critical point. Your criticism is unfair. Don't be so sensitive to criticism. The crops need rain. Cross the bridge. It's crowded today. It's a crucial decision. That's cruel. Stop being cruel. you can look in the cupboard. Take a clean glass from the cupboard. I'm curing. There's no cure for stupidity. There's a cure for everything, except death. curly hair. What currency would you like? my current income. I'm satisfied with my current income. That's the current plan. Please open the curtains. it's so crooked. there's a lot of curves on this road. It's all custom made. This custom is unique to Türkiye. Which do you like better. Which do you like better, cycling or jogging? Let's make a deal. Whatever you say dear. You are very dear to me. i'm not afraid of death. Remember death so much. Let's end this debate. We don't have time to debate. I am in your debt. In the past decade I have been reborn. Get yourself a decent suit. Do you have anything to declare. I'm declaring an emergency. I decline to comment. What should we do to decrease our debt? You've defeated me. I had to defend myself. The first step is to define the problem. Give me a definite answer. I totally agree with your definition. I'm sorry for the delay in my reply. Don't delay finishing the business. I didn't do it deliberately. I deliberately said. I don't have any demands. I demand a refund. Would you care to demonstrate? Demonstrate that you can be trusted. Don't deny it. I can't deny it. What is the departure time? May I know the date of your departure. I'm depending on you. I can't depend on you anymore. It depends on you. it depends on the situation. It's a depressing thought. Laundromat is really depressing. I will study this in depth. Never test the depth of water with both feet. desert guy. Don't confuse desire with love. Everybody desires happiness. He who desires too much gets nothing, don't follow your desire. I'm not desperate. despite everything. Despite all his faults. What's your destination. i will destroy. I can't detect any problem. I'll determine how to do. I am determined. I am determined to carry out this plan. Reading develops the mind. Swimming develops your muscles. If there are any new developments let me know. This is a very sophisticated device. Tom turned off the device. I keep a diary since 2018. It's so fun to read my old diary. I should watch my diet. Do I have to develop my diet. the difference between us.
"Eğer kalbinizde birikmiş cümleler,aklınızı işgal etmiş fikirler kâğıda dökülmezse,bir başkasına aktarılmazsa,içten içe sizi çürütmeye başlar. Paylaşılmamış hakikatler,insan kalbini ve tüm vücudunu zamanla kemirmeye,içten içe aşındırmaya başlar. Hakikatin ağır yükü altında ezilen ruh,bir başka ruhla ilk teması kurabilse yeniden dirilir.Aksi halde yalnızlık telaşı insanı kendisinden bile şüphe ettirecek kadar içimize sirayet eder."
"Haydi, gel birlikte dilenci olalım. Ben, yeteri kadar kazanç sağlamamaktan korkmuyorum, mutlaka kazanacağız, buna eminim. Yürüye yürüye köylere gidelim, yorulalım, tarlalarda, ağaç diplerinde uyuyalım ama bir daha da parayı, ya da seni üzen başka şeyleri hiç düşünmeyelim." (Antikacı Dükkanı, Charles Dickens)
"Kadınlar uzaklaştıklarında sakinleşirler. Neticede ağlayacakları kadar ağlamış olurlar. Sonra ya kiliseye koşarlar ya da herifin biriyle yatağa girerler." Lyon'da Düğün, Stefan Zweig
"Aşk geldi mi, mil çek aklın gözüne. Aşk dağıyla dağla, vur onun yüzüne. Akıl sudur, aşk ise ateş görünüşte Su yan yana bulunur mu ateşle? " . -ESRÂRNÂME- Ferîdüddin Attâr
"Çocukluğunuz sırtınızda bir kamburdur.Çocukluğunuz ne kadar travmatik ve zor ise sırtınızdaki kambur o kadar büyük olur,bu da bu yükünüzle,insanların önünde eğilmenize ya da insanları ezmenize sebep olur." #esraezmeci #sütlekesi
Hata yapmanın eleştirilecek bir tarafı yok. Hatalar yaşamın bir parçasıdır ve gelişme için gereklidir. Bu şöyle söylemeye benziyor. “Mutluluk doğru kararlarla, doğru kararlar deneyimle ve deneyim yanlış kararlarla gelir” Ancak aynı hataları tekrar tekrar, her gün yinelemenin kabul edilebilir bir tarafı yok.
"Hayatın en önemli dinamikleri çatlaklardır.
Çatlakları bilir misin sevgili Meryam?
İnanılmaz ilginçtirler.
Hani Leonard Cohen'in bir lafı vardır.
"Çatlaklar kutsaldır, çünkü ışığı içeri sızdırırlar" diye. Senin şu an içinde bulunduğun durum, tam da böyle bir durum işte.."
kan ve kemik tüm insanlarda bulunur.
farklı olan yürek ve niyettir.... Marlo Morgan, bir çift yürek
“ sevmek ,
bir anlamda senden olmayana ulaşmak,
bunun için çabalamak değil midir?
senden farklı olmayan birine niye erişmeye çalışasın ki?”
" ahmet ümit ‘ bab-ı esrar _
Dürüstlük,bir markadır; her omuz taşıyamaz.-şiir ve dua- sayfa 110.Kenan Aydın
"Yaşama sanatı da gündelik rutini hiçe sayarak tezahür eder. Ne demek gündelik rutini hiçe saymak? Bunu ancak en alışılmış olandaki harikuladeliği keşfederek yapabilirsiniz.."
Tekne Kazıntısı, İsmet Özel
dürüstlük bir markadır her omuz taşıyamaz .şiir ve dua Kenan AYDIN
insanları insan öldürür, silah değil.
bu devirde sözler işliyor cinayetleri, katiller değil...
beyza aksoy - onun şeytanları
"İnsanın içindeki duygu enkazından daha vahimi,
onu o enkazdan çıkaracak bir kişiye dahi inancının kalmamasıdır."
/O Gemi Gelene Kadar Ben Uçmayı Öğrendim/
Murat Gülen
Bazı insanlara baktığında, insanın boğazı düğümlenir, heyecandan gözleri yaşarır.
Olga Tokarczuk-Sür Pulluğunu Ölülerin Kemikleri Üzerinde
"...Duygularımız içimizdeki rehberin elçileridir.
Öfke,hüzün,telaş ,mutluluk,hayâl kırıklığı,özlem;
hepsi birer elçi ve bize bir mesaj vermeye çalışıyorlar.Bunlar biz uyanıkken verilen mesajlar
İçimizdeki rehber,vicdanımız.Biz uyurken de rüyalar yoluyla mesaj vermeye devam ederler.
Duygularınızı tanıyın ve onların köklerini bir an önce dikkate almaya başlayın.Yaşam size özgü öyle olaylar çıkarır ki karşınıza.Başkasına değil,
sadece size.Aynı ortamda bir çok insan olsa da
yaşadıklarınız size özgüdür."
Var mısın ?/ Doğan Cüceloğlu
What is the most important thing to do.
Is this a good thing or a bad thing.
How many do you want.
What is a successful life accordıng to you.
How can that problem be fixed.
How many cars dıd you have.
getting a job.
What is the solution.
Do you know any poetry.
Which ones would you like.
How many are left.
What are the best alternatives.
Do you stay or leave.
How long do you want to stay.
is this harmful.
I hope you get better.
how do you respond.
do you believe in luck.
Which is more important.
Please Explain why you think so.
what motivates you.
do you need motivation.
Do you trust me.
Are you good at saving money.
Is the address correct.
why do you think like that.
over time everything changes.
give it to me some examples.
How good is your memory.
Would you like to volunteer.
Which one do you choose.
Describe your best friend.
how will.
how will you.
What will happen.
what should i do.
what should i do for you.
what should i do now.
what should i say.
how did that happen.
how would you define happiness.
Can I do anything to help.
Who's with you.
I have other question.
I'll try later.
Is this a good time to talk.
could I please talk to ali.
That's okay.
you can bring it in.
let me take a look.
can i help you with something.
I can't figure it out.
When's a good time for me to come.
Is tomorrow okay for you.
probably not Likely not.
I'll see you around 2.
I'm not feeling well right now.
Can you take a look at it.
there is more than enough.
What are my options.
What are you interested in.
Could I please get another one.
is that possible.
I hope so.
I'll be right back.
Can I get.
can I give it a try.
I'm going to be late.
would you like to reschedule.
i won't be able to.
i won't be able to come.
that'll be fun, that'll be fine, that'll work.
can i please have.
let's get this sorted out.
we're all mad here.
we're all in the same game.
I didn't see anything.
i don't do anything wrong.
Don't rush, don't be sad, don't be shy, don't be afraid, don't be late, don't be pessimistic, don't be angry with me.
What style do you like.
We have a couple of options.
Let's have a look over here.
can you tell me how to.
can you show me how to.
For how many days.
one of them.
How long are you staying for.
what is the reason of this.
for what reason.
for where, for when, for how long, for how much.
How thick.
how thin.
When would you like to pick it up.
we have a few.
Let me have a look.
I am looking forward to you.
What is the best.
what will happen.
what will happen now.
what will happen next.
what will happen tomorrow.
should i wait.
Should I wait for you.
can you tell me more about yourself.
Do you have any time.
Do you know anything.
do you own a car.
what will be the final price.
whose baby you are.
How often do you cook.
do you enjoy cooking.
How good are you at cooking.
How good are you at your work.
How good are you at driving.
how hard is your work.
what do you have to do now.
what do you have to do today.
is there a lot of work.
is there a problem.
are you a creative person.
do you wish to continue.
what city are you in.
how about going to the cinema.
is there anything you want to ask.
is there anything you need.
is there anything wrong.
is there anybody there.
how do you feel.
do you know him.
do you like this.
do you like it.
Did you like.
did you have breakfast.
What do you wish for.
when do you want to meet.
when do you want to come.
When do you want to go.
Do you agree or disagree.
Which country are you from.
Do you agree with me.
Who do you think will win.
who do you think.
Keep in mind.
what will we cook for dinner.
What will you do now.
what do you think of me.
what makes you happy.
How often do you read books.
What would you like to do.
if you could.
shall we wait.
what do you say.
there it is.
What was the problem.
I can give.
you should be careful.
you should be here.
i'd like to know.
what can I help you with today.
i'm having trouble.
Give me a minute please.
what would you like to know.
what would you like to do.
You look great today.
You have the best ideas.
do you have any questions.
Have a great trip.
i don't go anywhere.
please take it out.
What's the purpose of.
what do you do, what's your occupation, what's your job.
do you have a favorite song.
One second please.
Let me check.
I'm not sure let me check for you.
can I help you find something.
Do you need help finding anything.
i'm just browsing.
how many would you like.
pick it up.
why did you do this.
why did you say that.
why do you ask.
Do you have any plans.
What are you up to this weekend.
have fun.
Where did you go.
where did you hear that.
I'm out.
better than.
better than yesterday.
better than expected.
i enjoyed talking to you.
nice talking to you.
Tell me about your job.
Where did you grow up.
i haven't decided yet.
i got it now.
i got it wrong.
Can I get you something to drink.
I loved all the food.
everything looks good.
Everything was so delicious.
I just ate dinner.
over and over again.
can i take your number.
I am only joking.
can i take it.
should i take.
Do I need to go.
thanks for the invite.
it's been a long day.
Are you interested.
I need to chill out.
what do you have in mind.
if you have time.
coming right up.
let's make something.
Your car is so lovely.
Your dress looks so nice.
could you please show me.
Where would you like to sit.
welcome Sir.
can i get a.
can i get a kiss.
please don't.
What do you recommend.
on your right.
over there.
not so great.
I don't think so.
Sorry to hear that.
I am pleased to hear that.
Please let me know if you need anything.
let's eat dinner, let's eat together.
definitely yes.
can we stop here.
what about this.
that's a nice name.
You look really nice.
What a lovely.
what a lovely day.
looks great.
You're too kind.
I can explain.
i already did.
Do you want to go together.
that would be great.
What can I do for you.
I'm wondering.
let's do it.
I appreciate your help.
No worries.
no worries at all.
That's very kind of you.
it was nothing.
My pleasure.
It was no problem at all.
I was happy to help.
Long time no see.
after a while.
Same old Same old.
just the usual.
For sure.
talk to you later.
sounds good.
I need to get back to my work.
I do too.
What did you do.
my bad, my mistake, my fault.
Do you mind.
if you wouldn't mind.
you can do it.
ran out of.
you are very skill.
What kind of problem is it exactly.
what type of work do you do.
I'll go and check it out immediately.
I mostly come out at night.
That’s good to know.
do you suspect me.
i want to speak with you.
describe your personality.
Where did you live when you were a child.
fall in love with you.
What advice do you give me.
Would you like to try again.
what do you plan to do.
When do you want to retire.
Do you prefer darker or brighter.
What was it like.
Do you enjoy.
Who is responsible for this.
Are you good at keeping secrets.
may i sit here.
did you make it.
did you make it yourself.
How do you relieve stress.
How stressed are you.
Are there any benefits of smoking.
correct me if i read wrong.
you look cool too.
Why do people love.
Are there any drawbacks.
Why do you think so.
How will you get there.
How often do you skip breakfast.
Where do you go.
Did you or do you enjoy going to university.
What are we going to cook.
When are you going to get up tomorrow.
What are you going to do.
when are you going to buy it.
What are you going to do this weekend.
What are you going to do after work.
It’s not going to rain.
Are cats as fun as dogs.
you know what I mean.
I guess.
come closer to me.
I need to ask you something.
from now on i am start.
watch out, pay attention to, take care of, be careful.
watch and learn.
it is the only explanation.
do it again.
please stop it right now.
what's wrong with you.
you're kidding right.
this isn't right.
it's not exactly.
you still are a kid.
i have never seen anything like this.
i haven't done this before.
I did not do.
think about it.
you are impatient be patient.
I'm more than ready.
get it right this time.
why are you looking at like.
get ready please.
sleep tight.
are you all right.
whichever is easier.
Which is more exciting.
Which is more enjoyable.
Which is more important.
is it better.
Is it better to have more free time or more money.
You are funnier than him.
How long does it take.
Is there anything you refuse to eat.
Where should I park.
Tell me step by step how.
have a cup of coffee.
Find a job you love.
we have a lot of time.
you are really sad.
It must be you ready.
Have you been getting enough sleep.
we should take a break.
Have you tried this before.
Where have you been.
who are you texting.
What were you doing last night.
Who were you talking to just now.
I was sleeping last night at 12.
How can that be.
i will do shortly after.
I'm so excited again.
you should get more sleep.
you should get less sleep.
i ask you to hold this for a moment.
Could you hold this for a moment.
Thank you for your contribution.
i'll help you.
You're not tired today are you.
You haven't been to istanbul have you.
You're hungry aren't you.
you are the funniest person here.
How many hours a day do you work.
I confess.
confess it.
I have to admit.
Who did you learn from.
shall I go on.
do go on, Go ahead, continue, keep going.
do you think I should go up there.
Now what.
I realize something.
I don't want to compare.
this term.
A short while later.
i introduce myself.
i'm so happy you're here.
It’s great to see you.
everything’s going to be fine.
it will be very useful.
Are you more relaxed now.
I go over to ali.
How to use it.
are you all right.
Shortly after eat.
What do I do now.
What should I do in this situation.
I have to gain some time.
What a coincidence.
Do you really want to know.
i don't want any trouble.
i have to hide.
Why are you looking concerned.
Leave me alone please.
I can't be late.
I don't want to be embarrassed again.
i burst out laughing.
i can't wait.
towards you.
leave it to me.
keep this secret among us.
I didn't mention you.
Are you kidding.
you must not concern yourself about me.
do you think of me.
Keep the change.
cautiously optimistic.
I find out things.
wish i bought it sooner.
wish i knew.
we have to get out of here.
What did you just say.
time's up.
I'm all in.
what are you gonna do about it.
do i know you from somewhere.
what did you get me.
Do you read anything.
Do you slept good.
What's a pleasant surprise.
I'm so glad you stopped by.
Not anymore.
I don't normally do this.
what time do you get off work.
I'm glad you asked.
Can't we have dinner.
i couldn't.
that's crazy.
I want to withdraw money.
have a sit please.
I don't know what to do.
i don't think I could do it.
maybe I could do it.
this is unreasonable.
I don't mind I don't care.
settle down calm down cool down.
i'm so grateful to you.
I'm thankful to you.
what's the matter with you.
I insist.
Thank you for being so good.
what's your point.
I'll be right back.
what did you want to tell me.
you can come, you can go, you can check, you can say, you can pay, you can try.
have I come at a bad time.
I think you do.
let me make sure I understand this.
this is all i have.
when did that happened.
Let me take a look.
I had a really nice time tonight.
I could not fully understand.
This is disgusting.
I'll take care of it.
That's a good point.
so obvious.
Absolutely awful.
I'm burning up.
i want to snuggle up to you.
That is quite a situation.
Do you want to know.
I don't want to know.
I'm coming out.
I want to apologize.
I'm going to go for a walk.
that is weird.
I can't take it anymore.
Do you want me to teach you.
i got used to.
i got used to you a lot.
go get some rest.
are you telling me the truth.
I specialize in shopping.
None of these issues.
you are glowing.
I don't want to bother you.
anniversary celebration.
you made me happy.
I am aware.
what took you to the US.
I want to listen to you.
He has muscle but no brains.
I'm on it.
I am working on it.
learning process.
Forget about me.
do you want to talk about yourself.
Tell me about yourself.
More or less?
you know what to do.
how do I look.
get away from me.
i got angry.
How did you make it.
Would you like me to help you.
We'll continue our Friendship.
do the right thing.
can I ask you something.
what are you doing here.
what time are you coming.
what time are you leaving.
what time are you available.
how could you do this.
you look cute.
you should be here with me.
my fault my mistake.
Are you upset about something.
not about me, not about you, not about us.
What am I supposed to do.
You are supposed to come.
I am supposed to finish my job.
i did that for you.
I'll do it.
I got to go to work.
I got to go to sleep. I got to go to home.
you got to come with me.
great to have you back.
sweetie don't say that.
I still can't believe it.
i'm just going home.
we all are. all of us.
I have had a very long, hard day.
i have to tell you something.
i have to tell you something else.
it could happen.
you selfish.
What a selfish thing to do.
i owe you a lot.
if you were me, what would you do.
by the way, you are so sweet.
can I talk to you for a second.
can you believe it.
are you crying.
have I come at a bad time.
I don't give a shit.
what are you gonna do about it.
let me make sure I understand this.
that's not gonna happen.
why the hell not.
I see how it is.
you're mistaken.
i'm comfortable.
i'm comfortable here.
Time's up.
Do I know you from somewhere.
i don't think so.
What did you get me.
i told you before.
can I have.
can I have my key.
i almost go.
what a pleasant surprise.
I'm so glad you stopped by.
not anymore.
you only care about money.
I don't normally do this.
what time do you get off tonight.
i'm glad you asked.
i'm never give up.
this was lovely.
I can make you breakfast.
what did I teach you.
i'm an exception.
I work better alone.
I deserve you.
whenever i want.
I apologize to you.
i apologize for the delay.
take it or leave it.
i'm not asking you for anything.
i don't think you should.
Why don't you stay with us.
don't even think about it.
you scared the hell out of me.
Look at you.
What are you doing here.
what makes you think so.
just in case.
it depends.
I have a problem about use prepositions.
how can i solve this.
I'm usually a very emotional person.
I will not interfere in your life.
don't interfere in my life.
let's be free.
ability, aptitude, talent.
I give up.
I changed my mind.
i was going to say.
i was going.
i ask myself all the time.
I will not do anything.
You can do this.
what is wrong with you.
I was thinking about you.
do you have the time.
go after dreams not people.
you are five minutes late.
is there a reason.
I don't really care.
Can I get you anything.
Why don't you have a seat here.
We should hire you.
open it up please.
How did you know that.
fire up this laptop.
I'm gonna show you.
Pick a topic.
pick location.
not right now.
not right.
not possible.
not sure yet.
not sure what you mean.
that's impressive.
if you want to be strong.
if you want to be happy.
if you want to be successful.
if you want to come.
once a week.
i needed some rest.
I lost my scholarship.
Let me tell you something.
This is eazy work.
I like to hang out with you.
Move over.
Here's what you're gonna do.
I don't expect from anyone.
We'll be fine my love.
You read books.
I have many different interests.
booked up.
I don't want to talk about it.
Are you mad at me?.
you're fired.
for the last time ask you.
from now on.
what's the matter with you.
I bet you can't.
let's try one.
what the hell was that.
could I talk to you just for a minute.
let me in.
I'm going to do it.
can I tell you a little secret.
it was awful.
do you want my advice.
Do you want to sit down.
How do you feel today.
What do you mean.
Don't change your mind.
Lord, increase my knowledge.
You are our Protector.
Allah is enough to trust.
where there is hardship there is also ease.
grant me wisdom, join me with the righteous.
the best protector and the best helper.
Don't abandon yourself to despair.
Will you be able to come?
i agree to the above terms.
Have you ever traveled abroad?
You are absolutely indispensable!
Bargaining is unacceptable.
I feel very happy when I see you.
No access possible.
let's go i will accompany you.
would you accompany me.
Everything is going according to schedule.
Your words are accurate.
100 per cent accurate.
accurate and complete.
You can't accuse me.
You work hard and achieve a lot.
I wish you every achievement.
This is your achievement.
i acknowledge.
i acknowledge that i have read.
i acquired knowledge and experience.
Let's all get together and act as one.
i have to slowly and smoothly action.
I need the actual figures, not an estimate.
I need time to adapt.
I want to add.
i will be no additional charges.
I work in the Sales Administration department.
I Admire your courage.
I admire your patience.
I admire your professionalism.
I must admit.
it's time to adopt a different strategy.
I wish to advance.
He is advanced in age.
advantages and disadvantages.
adventure holiday.
advertise it.
I was impressed.
Don't mix me up in your affairs.
I was deeply affected.
i afford it.
Afterwards I felt a great.
against all odds.
I'm against it.
It's against the rules.
What's on the agenda?
I'm an agent.
Let's ask a travel agent.
You need to become more aggressive.
We're in agreement.
That wasn't our agreement.
look ahead.
I need a first aid kit.
i aided him with money,.
I aim to be a writer.
What's your aim in life?
Don't be too alarmed.
I feel more dead than alive.
I feel more alive.
Please allow me to go.
I'm allowing you to go.
Allow me.
along the way.
I can't alter the plan.
i need to alter my lifestyle.
Although he is rich he works very hard.
Although i am loving, I will forget.
I was amazed.
I admire your ambition.
I'm happy to be among you.
losses amounted to over 10 million dollars.
That's ancient history.
I can understand your anger.
different angle.
What happened to your ankle?
i announced.
I have an exciting announcement.
How annoying.
Do I annoy you?
annoyed me.
annual income.
You seem anxious.
We will never been apart.
Apparently it worked.
We made an appeal for support.
you appear to be strong and healthy.
I find your appearance attractive.
I will applying for a job.
I appreciate your telling me.
I suggest a different approach.
Let's try another approach.
That's not appropriate.
Is this appropriate?
I need your approval.
I approve of your plan.
approximately how much.
That must be the architect.
I'm interested in architecture.
I am not in the mood to argue.
don't argue with me.
I lost that argument.
We had an argument.
Someone caught me by the arm.
armed forces.
I will hold you in my arms.
army officer.
I don't want you around me.
I'll arrange it.
Everything is all arranged.
Can you arrange it?
I'll make the arrangements.
My neighbor was arrested last night.
You are under arrest.
Have you read this article?
I have artistic ability.
ashamed of you.
are you ashamed of me?
step aside please.
i fell asleep last night.
how do you assess this.
let's assess the situation again!
What are the positive aspects?
What do you mean by "assessments"?
What is another word for "assessments"?
Have you done your assignment?
I was out of town on an assignment.
I'll assist you.
I'm here to assist you.
You shouldn't associate with people like that.
I assume you're angry.
I assume you can speak turkish.
i deeply attached to you.
Attack is the best form of defense.
i will make one last attempt.
Who'll attend, I'll attend, I won't be able to attend.
i like attention.
I didn't pay attention.
I did not want to attract attention.
I like your attitude.
Her attitude disgusts me.
I suggest you call an attorney.
I'm attracted to you.
We're attracted to each other.
you are very attractive.
There was a large audience in the theater.
My aunt sent me a birthday present.
I don't have the authority.
i average 7 hour's work a day.
avoid contact with eyes.
I won an award as well.
I'm aware of the difficulties.
Keep away from the dog.
I feel awful about that.
I'm taking a step backwards.
I need it badly.
We must balance our budget.
Tom is banned from entering.
We should ban ad.
Did you have a band?
Don't bar me out.
This story is based on my experience.
based on the text.
What's your basis for saying this?
What is the basis for this?
I'm battling.
I'm winning the battle.
I can't bear to see your cry.
Tom has been beaten.
You're a beauty.
She runs a beauty shop.
I became rich.
I became emotional.
you become beauty.
I'm not a beggar.
my god I beg you to forgive me.
I began to doubt.
I think I have to begin working.
i apologize for my behavior.
The house is being built at the moment.
That's a mistaken belief.
We belong together. I belong here.
Please read the text below.
I bent over to pick up the pen.
Bend down.
The tree must be bent while it is young.
I bet you're a great teacher.
I am beyond hope.
That's beyond me.
I'm a bit tired.
Take a bite.
Does your dog bite?
This tea is too bitter.
Even if you are not to blame you should apologize.
blame it on the translator.
It's blank.
My mind went blank.
Love is blind.
i'm not blind.
Tom likes blondes.
blow on candles.
i boarded the ship.
What time does boarding begin?
I'll boil the beans for you.
There is a strong bond of affection between us.
I can feel it in my bones.
All the seats are booked.
I passed across the border.
you know no borders.
are you bored.
I had a boring day.
Can I borrow some love from you?
from top to bottom.
Grab the bottom.
Which brand do you prefer?
What's your favorite brands.
You're really brave, aren't you?
Can I get a kilo of chicken breast please?
Your beauty is breathtaking.
I don't have time to breathe.
bride to be.
I'll be brief.
I have broad lips.
Do you listen to the broadcast?
Then the bubble burst!
I'll send you a bunch of flowers.
How did you burn your hand?
I will bury you.
Good wine needs no bush.
you are very calm.
The next campaign was more successful.
The candidate had lost the election.
If the cap fits.
Make sure you put the cap back.
You are very capable.
You're the captain.
I know how to capture you.
No one cares.
I care about you.
I care about this.
Let's talk about your career.
It was careless of me.
Let me carry it.
I can carry that for you.
I like cartoons.
I bought one just in case.
I don't think that's the case.
I'll catch you.
That causes a problem.
Ali pointed up at the ceiling.
You're a celebrity now.
Is there central heating in this building?
Let's look ahead to the next century.
I don't know for certain.
Are you certain about this.
I should definitely go.
Let's definitely do that.
I was chained to the desk all day.
If you pull too hard, the chain will break.
We elected you chairman.
Is that a challenge.
Give it a chance.
I'll take my chance.
I met him by chance.
charity begins at home.
I am active doing charity work.
I'd like to look at that chart.
Please take this chart.
I want to have a little chat with you about Ali.
Nice talking to you.
It was nice chatting with you.
Don't cheat.
cheerful and lively.
A cheerful wife is the joy of life.
Put your head on my chest.
childhood memories.
This park reminds me of my childhood.
Circumstances have changed.
I should accommodate to the new circumstance.
please cite your source.
There is no scientific basis for these claims.
That claim is simply not true.
We should add this clause to the contract.
He is a clerk, for a judge.
I have a client with me.
What's your favorite climate?
En sevdiğiniz iklim nedir?
i am used to climbing mountains.
This cloth feels smooth.
Change your clothes.
clothing store.
I want to fly above the clouds.
Did you find any clues.
The coal is burning.
I went to the coast.
Get your coat, Take your coat.
I don't have coins.
you are about to collapse.
Stand up straight.
He is my colleague.
Did you collect them all.
I found this column interesting.
I combine work with pleasure.
Everybody wants to live in comfort.
I am under your command.
I have no comment.
I'm committed.
What crime have I committed?
I'm not ready for commitment.
It's pretty common.
Is that a common name?
We have that in common.
We have so much in common.
I communicate well with my customer.
don't compare yourself to others.
your beauty is incomparable.
I don't like this comparison.
Compared to yours, my car is small.
comparison destroys personality.
I want to compete with you.
Competition is good.
Ali wins the competition.
Are you competitive.
please Quit complaining.
I shouldn't complain.
I've got no complaints.
Aircraft component.
I really like the concept.
I understand why you're concerned.
I'm not concerned with the details.
What have you concluded.
With one word more I conclude.
What conclusion did you come to?
How do you come to that conclusion.
I only have one condition.
What are the conditions.
We are in good condition.
your conduct was admirable.
He conducts his business very well.
Who is conducting the here.
I admire your confidence.
I have complete confidence in you.
Have confidence in yourself.
Confident and decisive leadership.
What more do you need to be confident!
What more do you need to be confident!
I can confirm this.
I can neither confirm nor deny this.
I try to avoid conflict.
I'm confused.
Don't confuse me.
I'm just too conscious.
He's unconscious.
It's of no consequence.
I must accept the consequences.
I should think of the consequences.
Sometimes I'm conservative.
Consider it done.
I'll consider it.
Consider my request.
I'll take it into consideration.
Thank you for your consideration.
Theory should consist with practice.
be consistent.
constant speed.
a constant friend.
i work constantly.
I wonder when this building was constructed.
In other words, it is a social construct.
What kinds of food do you consume?
This air conditioner consumes a lot of electricity,
I Try to be a more rational consumer.
That book contains useful ideas.
This box contains apples.
What does that box contain?
I like contemporary literature.
Are you contented.
May I see the contents of the package?
What time does that contest start?
How about a contest.
The context is important.
There are seven continents on the earth.
annoys me.
This continuous noise annoys me.
continuous improvement.
I would like to contribute.
When is it convenient for you?
That isn't convenient for me.
How can I convince you?
I don't eat core.
The TRT is a corporate body.
I don't want to live in the countryside.
How many counties are there in Florida?
I'll see you in a couple days.
You're such a beautiful couple.
Are you courageous.
Tom is in court.
My computer crashed.
A mouse is a timid creature.
I have a good crew.
Love is not a crime.
crisis management.
critical point.
Your criticism is unfair.
Don't be so sensitive to criticism.
The crops need rain.
Cross the bridge.
It's crowded today.
It's a crucial decision.
That's cruel.
Stop being cruel.
you can look in the cupboard.
Take a clean glass from the cupboard.
I'm curing.
There's no cure for stupidity.
There's a cure for everything, except death.
curly hair.
What currency would you like?
my current income.
I'm satisfied with my current income.
That's the current plan.
Please open the curtains.
it's so crooked.
there's a lot of curves on this road.
It's all custom made.
This custom is unique to Türkiye.
Which do you like better.
Which do you like better, cycling or jogging?
Let's make a deal.
Whatever you say dear.
You are very dear to me.
i'm not afraid of death.
Remember death so much.
Let's end this debate.
We don't have time to debate.
I am in your debt.
In the past decade I have been reborn.
Get yourself a decent suit.
Do you have anything to declare.
I'm declaring an emergency.
I decline to comment.
What should we do to decrease our debt?
You've defeated me.
I had to defend myself.
The first step is to define the problem.
Give me a definite answer.
I totally agree with your definition.
I'm sorry for the delay in my reply.
Don't delay finishing the business.
I didn't do it deliberately.
I deliberately said.
I don't have any demands.
I demand a refund.
Would you care to demonstrate?
Demonstrate that you can be trusted.
Don't deny it.
I can't deny it.
What is the departure time?
May I know the date of your departure.
I'm depending on you.
I can't depend on you anymore.
It depends on you.
it depends on the situation.
It's a depressing thought.
Laundromat is really depressing.
I will study this in depth.
Never test the depth of water with both feet.
desert guy.
Don't confuse desire with love.
Everybody desires happiness.
He who desires too much gets nothing,
don't follow your desire.
I'm not desperate.
despite everything.
Despite all his faults.
What's your destination.
i will destroy.
I can't detect any problem.
I'll determine how to do.
I am determined.
I am determined to carry out this plan.
Reading develops the mind.
Swimming develops your muscles.
If there are any new developments let me know.
This is a very sophisticated device.
Tom turned off the device.
I keep a diary since 2018.
It's so fun to read my old diary.
I should watch my diet.
Do I have to develop my diet.
the difference between us.
"Büyük bir mağaramız olsun bizim de.Bu şehre,
bu karmaşaya,bu merhametsizliğe,bu gürültüye ayak uyduramayanların sığınabileceği bir mağaramız olsun."
Bir Adam Girdi Şehre Koşarak / Tarık Tufan
"Eğer kalbinizde birikmiş cümleler,aklınızı işgal etmiş fikirler kâğıda dökülmezse,bir başkasına aktarılmazsa,içten içe sizi çürütmeye başlar.
Paylaşılmamış hakikatler,insan kalbini ve tüm vücudunu zamanla kemirmeye,içten içe aşındırmaya başlar. Hakikatin ağır yükü altında ezilen ruh,bir başka ruhla ilk teması kurabilse yeniden dirilir.Aksi halde yalnızlık telaşı insanı kendisinden bile şüphe ettirecek kadar içimize
sirayet eder."
Bir Adam Girdi Şehre Koşarak / Tarık Tufan
''Kendi dünyasında yaşayan herkes delidir."
"... En kolay ve en asil yol başkalarını sakatlamak değil, kendinizi geliştirmektir.."
Sokrates için son sözler olsa da, insanlık için sonsuza kadar benimsenmeli..
Bazı hataları erken yapmanın hayatınıza çok büyük yararları olacaktır.
Thomas Henry Huxley
"Haydi, gel birlikte dilenci olalım. Ben, yeteri kadar kazanç sağlamamaktan korkmuyorum, mutlaka kazanacağız, buna eminim. Yürüye yürüye köylere gidelim, yorulalım, tarlalarda, ağaç diplerinde uyuyalım ama bir daha da parayı, ya da seni üzen başka şeyleri hiç düşünmeyelim."
(Antikacı Dükkanı, Charles Dickens)
"Kadınlar uzaklaştıklarında sakinleşirler. Neticede ağlayacakları kadar ağlamış olurlar. Sonra ya kiliseye koşarlar ya da herifin biriyle yatağa girerler."
Lyon'da Düğün, Stefan Zweig
Ah ne kadar da güzeldir çocukken haksızlığa uğrayıp, yatağa yatıp ağlaya ağlaya uyuyakalmak!
"Benim Adım Kırmızı/ Orhan PAMUK"
"Aşk, ilahi bir cinnettir; övülen veya yerilen bir şey değildir.
Feridüddin Attar -Tezkiretü'l Evliya-
"Aşk geldi mi, mil çek aklın gözüne.
Aşk dağıyla dağla, vur onun yüzüne.
Akıl sudur, aşk ise ateş görünüşte
Su yan yana bulunur mu ateşle? "
-ESRÂRNÂME- Ferîdüddin Attâr
"Çocukluğunuz sırtınızda bir kamburdur.Çocukluğunuz ne kadar travmatik ve zor ise sırtınızdaki kambur o kadar büyük olur,bu da bu yükünüzle,insanların önünde eğilmenize ya da insanları ezmenize sebep olur."
Her duaya Muhammed lazım,
Her Muhammed'e cennet,
Her cennete bir mü'min,
Her Mü'min'e iman,
Her doğruya bir ''adam''(33) lazım. Tanrının Eli.
Allah bize neden dünyanın hükmünü vermesin?Çünkü;Allah bize ,biz,Allah'a söz veriyorduk...Tanrı'nın Eli sayfa son.
"Ağlamak, bu soğuk, bu ruhsuz evrenin altında ağlamak, küçülmek..."
(Yaş Ağaç / Mehmet SEYDA)
Doğruyu söylemek için illa peygamber olmaya gerek yoktur.Tanrının Eli,Kenan AYDIN.
Başına bir musibet geldiğinde ,bir bela geldiğinde geriye çekilip şu soruyu sordun mu?Acaba Rabbim benden ne istiyor?Komutan kızı,Kenan AYDIN
Hata yapmanın eleştirilecek bir tarafı yok. Hatalar yaşamın bir parçasıdır ve gelişme için gereklidir. Bu şöyle söylemeye benziyor. “Mutluluk doğru kararlarla, doğru kararlar deneyimle ve deneyim yanlış kararlarla gelir” Ancak aynı hataları tekrar tekrar, her gün yinelemenin kabul edilebilir bir tarafı yok.
Ferrasini Satan Bilge - Robin SHARMA
Dürüstlük bir markadır her omuz taşıyamaz...
Adın geçer,sayfa 110 Kenan aydın
"Tabiatın insanlara en adilce dağıttığı nimet akıldır derler, çünkü hiç kimse akıl payından şikayetçi değildir.."