The Hebrew name Lod appears in the bible as a town of Benjamin, founded by Shamed or Shamer (1 Chronicles 8:12; Ezra 2:33; Nehemiah 7:37; 11:35) . In the New Testament it appears as its Greek form, Lydda...The city also finds reference in an Islamic Hadith, as the location of the battlefield where Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) will be slayed before the Day of Judgment...
The elegant Haute-volée-Polka dates from the latter half of 1854 when the population of Vienna - not the least those honoured in the title of the work - were more preoccupied with events in the Crimea and, nearer home, with a raging cholera epidemic in the capital, than with the latest dance composition from the fertile mind of Johann Strauss... First performed at an Imperial Festival in the Volksgarten on 17 August 1854, Haute-volée was one of a number of Johann's new dance pieces dating from this period which passed comparatively unnoticed at the time...
Johann Gottlieb Goldberg - 'Cembalo Concertos' (Sofia Ensemble)
Albert William Ketèlbey - 'In the Mystic Land of Egypt' (1931)
Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Schumann - 'Fantasies' (Youri Egorov)
Emel Sayın - Gidenler Dönmez...
'Sliver' (1993)
Phillip Noyce
Carl Stamitz - 'Sinfonia Concertante for Violin and Viola' (J. Suk, J. Kodousek)
The Hebrew name Lod appears in the bible as a town of Benjamin, founded by Shamed or Shamer (1 Chronicles 8:12; Ezra 2:33; Nehemiah 7:37; 11:35) . In the New Testament it appears as its Greek form, Lydda...The city also finds reference in an Islamic Hadith, as the location of the battlefield where Dajjal (the Anti-Christ) will be slayed before the Day of Judgment...
Haute-volée-Polka (High Society Polka) op.155
The elegant Haute-volée-Polka dates from the latter half of 1854 when the population of Vienna - not the least those honoured in the title of the work - were more preoccupied with events in the Crimea and, nearer home, with a raging cholera epidemic in the capital, than with the latest dance composition from the fertile mind of Johann Strauss... First performed at an Imperial Festival in the Volksgarten on 17 August 1854, Haute-volée was one of a number of Johann's new dance pieces dating from this period which passed comparatively unnoticed at the time...
Franz Xaver Richter - 'Kemptener Te Deum in D-major' (1745)
Soloists & Chorus: Camerata Vocale Günzburg
Orchestra: Johann Christian Bach-Akademie Köln
Conductor: Jürgen Rettenmaier
Emel Sayın - Tövbeler Tövbesi...