Kültür Sanat Edebiyat Şiir

  • Falco16.03.2005 - 18:53

    kesin Bkz. Jeanny

  • Jeanny16.03.2005 - 18:49


    Jeanny, komm, come on
    Steh auf - bitte, du wirst ganz naß
    Schon spät, komm - wir müssen weg hier,
    raus aus dem Wald, verstehst du nicht?
    Wo ist dein Schuh, du hast ihn verloren,
    als ich dir den Weg zeigen mußte
    Wer hat verloren? Du dich?
    Ich mich? Oder, oder wir uns?

    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
    There's someone who needs you
    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
    There's someone, who needs you, babe

    Es ist kalt, wir müssen weg hier, komm
    Dein Lippenstift ist verwischt
    Du hast ihn gekauft und ich habe es gesehen
    Zuviel rot auf deinen Lippen und du hast gesagt:
    'Mach mich nicht an'
    Aber du warst durchschaut, Augen sagen mehr als Worte
    Du brauchst mich doch, hmh?
    Alle wissen, daß wir zusammen sind ab heute,
    jetzt hör ich sie! Sie kommen
    Sie kommen, dich zu holen
    Sie werden dich nicht finden
    Niemand wird dich finden, du bist bei mir

    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
    There's someone who needs you
    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
    There's someone, who needs you

    Newsflash: In den letzten Monaten
    ist die Zahl der vermißten Personen
    dramatisch angestiegen. Die jüngste
    Veröffentlichung der lokalen
    Polizeibehörde berichtet von einem
    weiteren tragischen Fall. Es handelt
    sich um ein neunzehnjähriges
    Mädchen, das zuletzt vor vierzehn
    Tagen gesehen wurde. Die Polizei
    schließt die Möglichkeit nicht aus, daß
    es sich hier um ein Verbrechen handelt.

    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    Such a lonely little girl in a cold, cold world
    There's someone who needs you
    Jeanny, quit livin' on dreams
    Jeanny, life is not what it seems
    You're lost in the night, don't wanna struggle and fight
    There's someone, who needs you


  • Falco16.03.2005 - 18:27

    Almanyali cilgin sarkici. Gercek adi Hans Hölzel. Falco ismini unlu kayakci Falko Weisspflog aldigi soylenir.

    Cilgin giysileri, peruklari ve sahne perfomansiyla hemen dikkati ceken biri. Zamanind abaya un ve sansasyon yaratmis biri ama ben bir tek sarkisina takilip kaldim.

    O da tabi ki JEANNYYYYY...

  • Katatonia16.03.2005 - 17:53

    180 derece donmeyi biraz acayim: Normal de agir ve sert metal gruplari ilgi cekmek icin pek ugrasmazlar tersine az kisinin katlanabilecegi sarkilar yaparlar. Bu aslinda piyasaya karsi bir tepki ve isyandir. Lakin sonra paranin tadina varinca daha genis kitleye seslenmek adi altinda (esasinda daha fazla album satisi yapmak) icin daha yumasak ve temiz albumler yaparlar amma velakin gercek hayranlari gruptan sogur. Bazilari ise direk para ve un icin album yaparlar, (or. Glam Rock)

    Isvecli Katatonia grubu ise bir istisna. Grup ilk baslarda bir yerlerini yirtarak ses cikartiklari albumlerde siradan bir Death Metal grubuyken birden asiri yavas melodili ve daha temiz bir sesle bunalim sarkilar yapmaya basliyinca supriz oldu. Normal de piyasa icin yapsaydilar degisimi yavas yavas albumlerinde gormek mumkun olabilirdi (or. Metallica) ama Katatonia ise sanki ektremsi bir olay yasayip bunalimdan dolayi bir gunde saclari beyazlasan bir insan gibi degistiler

    180 derece donmelerinin sebebinde bir kac teori var, birincisi vokalistleri Jonas P Renkse'in sevgilisinin bogularak olmesinden sonra basarisiz bir intihar girisimi ve onu izleyen depresyon. Ikincisi daha inandirici:
    Grubun hayran oldugu Amerikali muzisyen Jeff Buckley'nin bogularak olmesi.

    Ne kadar dogrusoylentiler tam bilmiyorum ama ani degisimin oldugu albumlerindeki bir sarki baya ipucu veriyor:

    saw you drawn

    as through your shattered eyes
    it all came together
    and your heart cries
    weeping through the weather
    another way to change your mind
    i'm weaker then they say
    to leave this all behind
    the only way to stay

    don't you know
    i'm the end of what we'll be
    and right below us
    the last thing you'll see

    in the water
    i saw you drown
    down the water
    saw you drown

    as through my shattered sight
    you're no longer here
    and my heart cries
    sleeping through the light
    another way to change my mind
    never is the day
    to leave this all behind
    the only way to stay

    Discourages Ones 1998

  • Katatonia16.03.2005 - 16:51

    Death Metal turu daha dogrusu hirlayip yirtinirken birden 180 derece donup damardan parcalar yapan metal grubu.

    1998 tarihli 'Discourages Ones' albumu oldrurur beni, hele Deadhouse sarkisi, ortasinda yunuslarin seslerini duyunca felegimi sasirmistim. Tabi 'saw you drawn' sarkisi daha damardan.

    ama esas 1999'da cikardiklari ''Tonight's Decision'' albumu. Hele hele bu albumdeki ''I Am Nothing'' sarkisinin sozleri, tereyag olsam da erisem:P

    tonight I'm nothing
    it doesn't matter where I've been
    delay of reaction is
    the unseen movie of this life

    I remember one of my friends
    telling me to go ahead

    water on every side
    there's a dead spot in my eye
    if I listen close at night
    there's something coming my way

    like someone called my name
    but I didn't care to look that way
    I just fixed my eyes into the crowd
    it would have been strange to turn around


    I have to get on with this
    it's a decision for tonight
    out to look for chances
    it is murder of my mind

    once I was someone new
    I was chosen for a while
    then with time I am changing
    at least that is what they say

    what is worth with being here
    I pray so often for a change

  • öğrendim ki14.03.2005 - 20:20

    bir sey ogrenmemis :)

  • beyin göçü14.03.2005 - 20:19

    Ulke ekonomisini en cok zarar veren sorun. Ornek Rusya...

  • Necronomicon13.03.2005 - 20:08

    Kitap degilde kitaplar var diyebiliriz. Eski Misara, Tibetlilere (Uygur Turkleri de benimsemistir) ve daha bilmedigim baska milletlere ait olan necronomiconlar da olabilir.

    Film endustrisini de unutmamak gerekir. Mesela H.P. Lovecraft'a ait olan Necronomicon oykulerinden esinlenip yapilan kisa filmlerden meydana gelen film. Sonracigima zamaninda korkutan sonradan gulmekten geberten Evil Dead serileri. Piyasa olan The Mummy filmleri gibi yuzlerce aksiyon, gerilim, korku, sci-fi, fantezi gibi kurgu turlerine konu ve ilham olmustur...

  • Necronomicon13.03.2005 - 19:57

    the book of the dead

  • mezar taşı yazıları10.03.2005 - 01:13
