all we are saying is give peace a chance all we are saying is give peace a chance
everybody's talking about ministers, sinisters, banisters and canisters bishops and fishops and rabbis and pop-eyes, and bye bye, bye byes.
all we are saying is give peace a chance all we are saying is give peace a chance
let me tell you now everbody's talking about revolution, evolution, masturbation, flagellation, regulation, integrations, meditations, united nations, congratulations.
all we are saying is give peace a chance all we are saying is give peace a chance
everybody's talking about john and joko, timmy leary, rosemary, tommy smothers, bobby dylon, tommy cooper, derek taylor, norman mailer, alan gingsberg, hare krishna, hare, hare krishna
all we are saying is give peace a chance all we are saying is give peace a chance
değişim sürekli olmalı..
everybody's talking about
bagism, shagism, dragism, madizm, ragizm, tagizm
this-ism, that-ism
all we are saying is give peace a chance
all we are saying is give peace a chance
everybody's talking about ministers,
sinisters, banisters and canisters
bishops and fishops and rabbis and pop-eyes,
and bye bye, bye byes.
all we are saying is give peace a chance
all we are saying is give peace a chance
let me tell you now
everbody's talking about
revolution, evolution, masturbation,
flagellation, regulation, integrations,
meditations, united nations,
all we are saying is give peace a chance
all we are saying is give peace a chance
everybody's talking about
john and joko, timmy leary, rosemary,
tommy smothers, bobby dylon, tommy cooper,
derek taylor, norman mailer,
alan gingsberg, hare krishna,
hare, hare krishna
all we are saying is give peace a chance
all we are saying is give peace a chance
hepsi de insanları bir çerçeveye sokmaya çalışır. takılıp zaman kaybetmeye değmeyen düşünce öbekleri..
bu bir savaş değil bir destandır, bağımsızlık destanı.
müzik tarihine damgasını vuran çok az gruptan biri. bir dönem kendimi iyice kaptırmıştım. çemberin içinde ya da dışında olma..