-0ne day,when I'm old,I want some lovely young girl to say to me 'Tell me, where in your long life,Mr. Craster, were you most happy? ' And I shall say 'Well, my dear, I never knew the exact place...It was somewhere on the Mediterranean...I was with Victoria Page...' 'What? ' she will say...'Do you mean the famous dancer? ' And I will nod, 'Yes, my dear, I do...But then, she was quite young,comparatively unspoiled...We were, I remember,very much in love...'
-Tell me honestly... Please tell me honestly if what I believe is true...
-What do you believe?
-That it's the same with you...That you've fallen in love too...
-It sounds so silly...
-I know you so little...
-It is true, though, isn't it?
-Yes, it's true...
-No, please, we must be sensible...Please help me to be sensible...We mustn't behave like this... We must forget that we've said what we've said...
-Not yet, not quite yet...
-But we must...Don't you see?
-Listen, it's too late now to be as sensible as all that...It's too late to forget what we've said,and anyway, whether we'd said it or not couldn't have mattered...We know...We've both of us known for a long time...
-How can you say that? I've only known you for four weeks...We only talked for the first time last thursday week...
-Last thursday week... Has it been a long time for you since then? Answer me truly...
-How often did you decide that you were never going to see me again?
-Several times a day... Alec...
-So did I...I love you...I love your wide eyes...And the way you smile and your shyness...And the way you laugh at my jokes...
-Please, don't...
-I love you... I love you...You love me too...It's no use pretending it hasn't happened, because it has...
-Yes, it has...I don't want to pretend anything either to you or to anyone else,but from now on,I shall have to...That's what's wrong, don't you see? That's what spoils everything...That's why we must stop here and now talking like this...We're neither of us free to love each other... There's too much in the way...There's still time,if we control ourselves and behave like sensible human beings...There's still time to...
-Let's be very careful...Let's prepare ourselves...A sudden break now, however brave and admirable, would be too cruel...We can't do such violence to our hearts and minds...
Korkma, sadece toprağa gideceksin. Sonra toprak olacaksın. Sonra sularla birlikte bir çiçeğin bedenine yürüyeceksin. Oradan özüne ulaşacaksın. Çiçeğin özüne bir arı konacak. Belki... belki o arı ben olacağım. hangi film olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok herhalde..
Bizim neslimiz Büyük Depresyon'u ya da Büyük Savaş'ı yaşamadı. Bizim savaşımız ruhsal bir savaş. Bizim depresyonumuz kendi hayatlarımız... .. Tyler Durden 'Fight Club - Dövüs Klubü' ..
Frankie: Çorabının uçları delinmiş. Swank: Fazla büyük değiller.. Bunlar gece çoraplarım, yatarken ayaklarımın hava alması lazım.. Frankie: Peki neden gündüz giyiyorsun? Swank: Gündüz çoraplarımın delikleri çok büyük de ondan :)
- Would he give it up if you asked?
- I don't know...
- You do...
- I wouldn't ask...
- Then why is he asking you? Does he know what he is asking?
-She's not, however, a great dancer yet...Nor is she likely to become one if she allows herself to be sidetracked by idiotic flirtations...
-We seem destined to meet at railway stations...
-0ne day,when I'm old,I want some lovely young girl to say to me 'Tell me, where in your long life,Mr. Craster, were you most happy? ' And I shall say 'Well, my dear, I never knew the exact place...It was somewhere on the Mediterranean...I was with Victoria Page...' 'What? ' she will say...'Do you mean the famous dancer? ' And I will nod, 'Yes, my dear, I do...But then, she was quite young,comparatively unspoiled...We were, I remember,very much in love...'
-I never told you I was anything but what I am...You just wanted to imagine I was...That's why I left you...
(Out of the Past)
-All women are wonders because they reduce all men to the obvious...
(Out of the Past)
-If I had any doubts about you,I'd be nervous...Am I nervous?
-Are you working on another book?
-Yes,I am...
-You must be good at making stuff up...
-It teaches you to lie...
-How's that?
-The stuff has to be believable...It's called suspension of disbelief...
-Ben artık insanoğlunun adaletine inanmıyorum...O yüzden onu yargılamak bize düşmez...Biz sadece ona yardım etmeliyiz anlıyor musun?
(Rocco e i suoi fratelli)
-Yaşlılarda bir kablumbağanın kabuklarından daha fazla bilgelik vardır...
-Eğer bir kadın hakkında hiç kötü konuşmamışsan,asla bir kadını sevmemişsindir...Onları sevmek ve onları anlamak için onlardan acı çekmen gerekir...
-Tek bir merhametli söz yok...Hiç kimseden...
-Hiç şaşırma...Yaşayanlara merhamet duymazken,ölülere nasıl merhamet duyabiliriz? Kendimize bile merhamet etmiyoruz...
(Les Bas-fonds)
-You know what's happened,don't you?
-Yes...Yes, I do...
-I've fallen in love with you...
-Yes, I know...
-Tell me honestly... Please tell me honestly if what I believe is true...
-What do you believe?
-That it's the same with you...That you've fallen in love too...
-It sounds so silly...
-I know you so little...
-It is true, though, isn't it?
-Yes, it's true...
-No, please, we must be sensible...Please help me to be sensible...We mustn't behave like this... We must forget that we've said what we've said...
-Not yet, not quite yet...
-But we must...Don't you see?
-Listen, it's too late now to be as sensible as all that...It's too late to forget what we've said,and anyway, whether we'd said it or not couldn't have mattered...We know...We've both of us known for a long time...
-How can you say that? I've only known you for four weeks...We only talked for the first time last thursday week...
-Last thursday week... Has it been a long time for you since then? Answer me truly...
-How often did you decide that you were never going to see me again?
-Several times a day... Alec...
-So did I...I love you...I love your wide eyes...And the way you smile and your shyness...And the way you laugh at my jokes...
-Please, don't...
-I love you... I love you...You love me too...It's no use pretending it hasn't happened, because it has...
-Yes, it has...I don't want to pretend anything either to you or to anyone else,but from now on,I shall have to...That's what's wrong, don't you see? That's what spoils everything...That's why we must stop here and now talking like this...We're neither of us free to love each other... There's too much in the way...There's still time,if we control ourselves and behave like sensible human beings...There's still time to...
-There's no time at all...
(Brief Encounter)
-Let's be very careful...Let's prepare ourselves...A sudden break now, however brave and admirable, would be too cruel...We can't do such violence to our hearts and minds...
(Brief Encounter)
Cehalet, mutluluktur.. MATRİX
Korkma, sadece toprağa gideceksin. Sonra toprak olacaksın. Sonra sularla birlikte bir çiçeğin bedenine yürüyeceksin. Oradan özüne ulaşacaksın. Çiçeğin özüne bir arı konacak. Belki... belki o arı ben olacağım.
hangi film olduğunu söylemeye gerek yok herhalde..
Hayatta yaptıklarımız, sonsuzlukta yankılanır...
Maximus 'Gladiator - Gladyatör'
Yanında duruncaya kadar, hedefimden ne kadar uzakta durduğumdan emin olamamıştım...
Vincent 'Gattaca'
Frenleri kullanma; arabalar gitmek için yapılmıştır, durmak için degil!
Michel Poiccard 'A Bout de Souffle-Serseri Asiklar'
-Deliberate cruelty is unforgivable, and the one thing of which I have never,ever been guilty of...
(A Streetcar Named Desire)
'Ölüler tek bir şeyi bilirler: Hayatta olmak daha iyidir.'
Er Joker 'Full Metal Jacket'
Şeytanla dans edersen şeytan değismez; seni
Max California '8 mm.'
Bizim neslimiz Büyük Depresyon'u ya da Büyük Savaş'ı yaşamadı. Bizim savaşımız ruhsal bir savaş. Bizim depresyonumuz kendi hayatlarımız...
Tyler Durden 'Fight Club - Dövüs Klubü'
Beni olduğum gibi kabul et. Ancak o zaman birbirimizi keşfedebiliriz..
Guido '8 1/2'
Doğru ya da yanlış diye birşey yok, sadece popüler fikirler var...
Jeffrey Goines 'Twelve Monkeys - 12 Maymun'
Bilinç, korkunç bir lanettir. Düsünürsün, hissedersin, acı çekersin...
Craig Schwartz 'Being John Malkovich - John Malkovich Olmak'
Frankie: Çorabının uçları delinmiş.
Swank: Fazla büyük değiller.. Bunlar gece çoraplarım, yatarken ayaklarımın hava alması lazım..
Frankie: Peki neden gündüz giyiyorsun?
Swank: Gündüz çoraplarımın delikleri çok büyük de ondan :)
-Milyonluk Bebek-
Sana istediğini veremem, istediğin hayalden başka birşey değil..
(Yüzüklerin Efendisi)
- Hiç gerçek olduğunu sandığın bir rüya gördün mü? Ya o uykudan hiç uyanmasaydın rüya olduğunu nasıl anlayacaktın?
kadın: gec kaldın
adam: geç gelmek hiç gelmemekten iyidir :)