Don't ask.... Don't dare and ask me about the world ! For I don't revolve with it... Don't dare and ask me about people ! For I am living apart from them... Don't dare and ask me about myself ! For I am seeking myself in you.... Don't dare and ask who my beloved is ! For I am narrating her/h ...
* The unconscious creates; the ego edits...... * Imagination is greater than knowledge..... * We are a culture of ONE..... * Friend is a single soul in two bodies....
Bu Cumartesi Geleceksin.
Engin Kahraman
17.02.2003 - 11:32Mevsimlik bir heves değilsin içimde.
İçimde sonu olmayan bir baharsın.
cok guzel bitti....
Gözlerin İstanbul Oluyor Birden
Yavuz Bülent Bakiler
17.02.2003 - 10:40Gercekten... harika anlatmis....
Otuz Beş Yaş
Cahit Sıtkı Tarancı
15.02.2003 - 13:07Bende sana katiliyorum BESTM.
Gülay Atilay
06.02.2003 - 22:50tek kelimeyle WOWWW...
Rüveyda Ben Sendeyim Sen Bendesin
Nurullah Genç
28.01.2003 - 06:25harikaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Phantasmagoria In Reality
Poet Of The Darkness
22.01.2003 - 10:19I loved the title...
Benim İçin Ağlar mısın?
Poet Of The Darkness
22.01.2003 - 10:09well poet of darknes...I wouldn't cry for a poem like that..because it is too emotional, which lead to despair...but well written...
Halil Cibran
08.01.2003 - 16:31Yalcin 1934...tesekkurler....
Yavuz Bülent Bakiler
04.01.2003 - 10:31tek kelimeyle MUHTESEM...
Şimdiki Zaman Çekiminde Bir Mahkuma Mektup
Dilaver Cebeci
24.12.2002 - 21:09muhtesem ve mukemmel.....
Dilaver Cebeci
24.12.2002 - 20:47Mukemmel......
Hakan Akyurt
16.12.2002 - 08:39Don't ask....
Don't dare and ask me about the world !
For I don't revolve with it...
Don't dare and ask me about people !
For I am living apart from them...
Don't dare and ask me about myself !
For I am seeking myself in you....
Don't dare and ask who my beloved is !
For I am narrating her/h ...
Hakan Akyurt
16.12.2002 - 07:59cok guzelllll kutlarim...
Sensiz Kalan Bu Şehri Yakmayı Çok İstedim
Nurullah Genç
14.12.2002 - 09:31butun siirleri gibi yine harikaaaaa
* * * Seni Düşündüm
Mustafa Engin Karatay
11.12.2002 - 07:48cok guzelllll
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