Kültür Sanat Edebiyat Şiir

undenied sizce ne demek, undenied size neyi çağrıştırıyor?

undenied terimi Suat Demir tarafından tarihinde eklendi

  • Suat Demir
    Suat Demir

    'inkar edilmeyen' dir anlamı

    'portishead' ın insanın tüylerini diken diken eden şarkısı.

    our softly spoken words
    release my whole desire

    and so bare is my heart, i can't hide
    and so where does my heart, belong

    beneath your tender touch
    my senses can't divide
    ohh so strong
    my desire

    for so bare is my heart, i can't hide
    and so where does my heart, belong

    now that i've found you
    and seen behind those eyes
    how can i
    carry on

    for so bare is my heart, i can't hide
    and so where does my heart, belong
