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tea party sizce ne demek, tea party size neyi çağrıştırıyor?

tea party terimi Cem Nizamoglu tarafından tarihinde eklendi

  • Şinasi Akay
    Şinasi Akay

    How was the party?
    - It was good.

  • Yusuf Tayfur
    Yusuf Tayfur

    çay partisi ama malesef çay yok....çay partisi adı altında alkol partisi...

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    En cok Transmission (1997) ve TRIPtych(1999) albumlerini dinledim, bunlari kafayi yiyinceye kadar dinlemekten diger albumlerini almayi unuttum galba :)

    Bu grup hakkinda seksi desem karizmaya yakismaz ama 70lerda gelse bir Doors daha olurdu herhalde diye dusunuyorum. Tabi Doors diye hemen atlamayin, yine de benzetemeden duramiyorum...

    off off kiz olsaydim sarkilarinda erir erir gruba asik olurdum herhalde ama nasip esimeymis, onun sayesinde tanidim bu grubu. Saatlerce odadan cikmadan dinlerdik... yaz, teras, yildizlar, dalgalarin sesleri ve fonda Tea Party ya da Cure baska soze gerek yok sanirim...


    Confess what you crave
    a life without pain
    you'd kill for the taste
    But the hurt still remains

    Still they don't know who you are

    Just be still my emerald
    I'll be waiting for you
    Do exactly what your told
    I'll be waiting for you

    Ashamed by the threats
    you pierce the embrace
    afraid and alone
    In a dark lonely place

    did you alway want to be
    did they try to steal your soul
    did they hurt you with deceit
    can't you come in from the cold
    bestill my emerald
    I'll be waiting for you

    The Tea Party

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Esimle, dugunumuzde ''These Living Arms'' parcasini cok istemistik giris sarkisi olarak, ama ne bilelim, nerdeeeenn ohuuu uhuuuu (aramizda kalsin ama) santor getirecekleriiiiini nerden bilem ohuuu uhuuuuu:(((((((

    These Living Arms

    so a crowd he gathered around us
    i'm pining one last kiss
    i'm struggling with the lifeline
    in the shadow of this bliss
    patience my love it'll all be alright

    but ain't it funny how the fates work
    i feel cheated by the turn
    still this love it hovers over us
    and the lessons that we've learned
    patience my love it'll all be alright

    with your arms around me
    you're singing softly
    and i fade from memories
    and move on

    we were lost inside a wasteland
    of fools groping for the gold
    i wonder if they'll think of us
    whlie they're still searching for their souls
    patience my love it'll all be alright

    with your arms around me
    you're singing softly
    and i fade from memories
    and move on

    so never put it out my love
    the spirit is the flame that burns within
    hold on to me
    and it'll all be alright

    sleep now is descending like a dream
    still i'm shaking from the softness
    of your skin
    hodl on to me
    and it'll all be alright

    with your arms around me
    you're singing softly
    and i fade from memories
    and move on
    may nothing harm you
    i'm still inside you
    with my wings around you
    you'll go on

    sweet lover go on
    my love be strong

    The Tea Party

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    The Tea Party, 1990 yilinda kurulan Kanadali rock grubu. Kendilerine has Alternatif rock muzigi yapiyorlar diyebiliriz...

    Grup elemanlari:
    Jeff Martin gitar ve vokal
    Stuart Chatwood bas
    klavye (piyano) da ise Jeff Burrows

    Splendor Solis (1993)
    Edges Of Twilight (1995)
    Transmission (1997) (sanirim saz ile giriyorlar albume)
    Tangents (2000)
    The Interzone Mantras (2001)
    Alhambra (2002)
    Seven Circles (2004)
