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sarah connor sizce ne demek, sarah connor size neyi çağrıştırıyor?

sarah connor terimi Selin Sonsuz tarafından tarihinde eklendi

  • Selin Sonsuz
    Selin Sonsuz

    When the rain keeps fallin'
    can't you here me callin'
    where somebody new
    someone just like you

    don't you feel there's something
    deep inside you're waiting
    for the slightest chance
    to go into your dance

    Don't you keep me waiting
    when i'm concentrating
    Let me be your girl
    We can rule the world

    Let it lead us somewhere
    you will like it i swear
    with a pain no game
    will ever be the same

    youre lying awaking the night
    and all that we do is just right

    so don't forget to breathe let it in let it out
    for all the world to see from within then without
    you're shining like a star let it in let it out
    tonight you are my desire

    the evels on the moon let it in let it out
    it's coming straight to you from within then without
    you're shining like a star let it in let it out
    tonight you are my desire....................

  • Selin Sonsuz
    Selin Sonsuz

    dont forget to breathe
    let it in
    let it out
    tonight u r my desire

  • Fatma Sena Gündüz
    Fatma Sena Gündüz

    from sarah with love
    diye bi şarkısına klip çekmiş bu hatun geçtiğimiz yıllarda...
    müzik kanallarında durmadan yayınlanıp dururdu ki
    o uyuz şarkı hala kulağımda

  • Gülçin Yilmaz
    Gülçin Yilmaz

    Linda Hamilton :)
    beyaz atleti ve hayranlık uyandırıcı kaslarıyla spora teşvik eden insan...

  • Drag Bonfire
    Drag Bonfire

    john connor'un annesi.. :)