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paradise lost sizce ne demek, paradise lost size neyi çağrıştırıyor?

paradise lost terimi Cem Nizamoglu tarafından tarihinde eklendi

  • Deniz Yılmaz
    Deniz Yılmaz

    Aldous Huxley ve john Milton'un eserleri.

  • Julien Sorel
    Julien Sorel

    Konusu Adem ile Havva' nın cennetten kovuluşu olan 12 bölümlük epik şiir.Açık ölçüyle yazılmıştır.Milton bu destanı, Paradise Regained ile tamamladı.Burada da ilk insanın yitirdiği cennetin İsa ile yeniden kazanılması anlatılır.
    Tekmili birden www.paradiselost.org dan okunabilir.

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    ''Draconian Times'' albumu bence her yonu ile baya iyi bir calismaydi, ozellikle albumdeki ''Forever Failure'' sarkisi baya etkileyicidir:

    ''Understand procedure, understand war
    Understand rules, regulations
    I don't understand sorry''

    You must feel frustration
    'Cause your mind feels such temptation
    And your ways appear a total lack of faith

    You may feel elation
    At your body's re-creation
    And that joy you need, restricted by one thought

    Are you forever - loss of purpose in a passive life
    Are you forever - pale, regarded as a waste of time

    High times are courageous
    But in truth they suit no purpose
    Induced, reduced, unable and afraid...

    Can you fell rejection
    And a lack of motivation
    And the joy you need restricted and delayed

    Are you forever - loss of purpose in a passive life
    Are you forever - pale, regarded as a waste of time

    ''I don't really know what sorry means, i've been sorry all my life
    I'm sorry i was born, that's what my mother told me
    I don't really know what sorry means
    I've been sorry all my life
    I don't really know what sorry means''

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Esas 'One Second'' albumune bayilirim, belki Daha onceki albumleri kadar kaliteli bir calisma degildi ama ''One Second'' parcasiyla olsun ve ozellikle ''Say Just Words'''un o piyanoyla girisi ve tirmanisi ile hem dinleyini hem de tum albumu alip goturuyor.

    You get high, with your destructive instinct
    You get high, with your corrosive instinct
    Where can I go, to escape your foul mind tricks
    You're trying it more, but you will never break me
    Cause you presume, the winner is you but that's not true,
    So say just words to me, unreal what your hate's providing,
    Say just words to me, your talk is always contradiction
    Say just words to me, you won't feel the warmth of friends around you
    Say just words to me, is it true that there is worth inside
    So say just words to me
    Your desires, all the worse from power craving
    Your desires, only where there's fire burning,
    I'll show you the way a pleasure that's for the talking,
    You're trying it more but you won't get satisfaction
    Cause you presume the winner is you but that's not true
    So say just words to me

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Ismini, John Milton'in 1667'de basilan unlu Ingiliz epik siirlerinden olusan kitabin adindan alan grup 1988'de kurulmustur. Simdiye kadar cikartiklari albumler:

    Forever After (2005)
    Symbol Of Life (2002)
    Symbol Of Life (2002)
    Paradise Lost (1998)
    One Second (1997)
    Draconian Times (1995)
    Icon (1993)
    Shades Of God (1992)
    Gothic (1991)
    Lost Paradise (1990)

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Gothic Metal turu mu degil mi diye zamaninda baya arkadaslarla tartisirdim ve hep sonunda gothic metalin babalarindan oldugu soylenir. Esasinda ilk Gothic Metal'in babalari Doom Metal yapan Celtic Frost idi. Evet biraz supriz olacak ama Paradise Lost'un yaptigi sadece Doom Metal turune kadin sesi ekleyerek piyasaya tasimasidir ayni Theatre of Tragedy gibi. Fakat zaten Celtic Frost'un 1987 cikardigi ''Into The Pandemonium'' albumunde kadin sesi kullanilmisti. Yine de bana gore esas Gothic temasi Sister Of Mercy islenmistir...

    Neyse baya teknik konulara giriyor. Zaten Paradise Lost sonradan daha da yumusayarak farkli turlerde albumler yaparak tamamen Gothic Metal turunden de uzaklasti. Buyuk bir riskti ama piyasa tarafindan baya begenildi...