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overkill terimi Cem Nizamoglu tarafından tarihinde eklendi

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Sozlerini cok begendigim bir parcalarini daha aktarmak isterim. Gri teriminde de baya bu sarkidan ilham gelip ucmustum ama buraya da aktaramadan edemicegim cunku sadece karamsar ve bunalim olmasi degil sozlerin yerlerine direkt oturmasindan beni baya etkilemistir. Sarkilarinin cogu bana grubun gercekten samimi olarak `ilham aninda` duygularini muzige doktuklerini gosteriyor, ozellikle:

    Shades Of Grey

    I watch the smoke drift, from my cigarette.
    I hear the roaches cross the floor.
    Slam dance around me, in my chair I sit.
    The grey's leakin' through the door.
    There's a shade of grey! I've never seen before...

    My gaze fixed on, the space beneath the door.
    My life flash. before my eyes...
    All this sweat grew from one solitary drop
    Grey's movin' cross the floor.

    We walk alone, no one beside us!
    It's never simple as black or white.
    We should have known, no one would find us!
    That we would all wind up in
    Shades of grey...

    'It seems like everytime I get a chance... is quite naked.
    And as I turn around, as I turn around... and
    inside there's no doubt its gonna happen again'

    Nobody listenin', so I talk to myself.
    Sometimes I pay me no... mind...
    I lost this argument, so very long ago...
    The right words were so hard to find...
    I can't breathe in the grey!
    An' I can't find the key to the door...

    I Hear Black - 1993

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    ''Years of decay'' albumunun tum sarkilarini begendigimden hepsini eklemek isterdim ama esas albumunun adini veren parcasinin sozleri beni cok etkilediginden bu albumden sadece onu eklesem yeterli olur bence:

    The Years Of Decay

    out on this road takes its toll
    and you pay for everything you do
    underlights, made me blind
    this place is the same as last night
    out of control takes its toll
    but you learn to live with your dreams
    speaking your mind to those you find
    listening to what you have to say
    I wouldn't change the way
    I wouldn't stop the decay

    promised the world, as your world
    changed before your eyes
    and the days became the weeks
    and the weeks the years
    and noone remembers that very first day
    or how it slipped away
    forever I wait, pulling in, pulling out
    as the motors whine
    to remind me i'm home
    and i'm here to stay
    as we decay
    another day
    decay away

    i'm goin' home, I don't know where
    i'm goin' home, not far from here

    out on this road, paint this toll
    make me whole, set the stage
    fill it with anger, fill it with rage
    no I don't know what's today
    I know it falls in the years of decay
    self, sacrifice, everynight
    and together we paid a price in blood
    that spilled out through the years

    Years Of Decay - 1989

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Veletken ''Feel the Fire'' albumunu sans eseri elime gecirince tanidim ama pek ciddiye almamistim esas 90lara dogru ''Years Of Decay'' albumu cikinca baya hayran kalmistim gruba. Gariptir o zamanin ozentilerinin bile ''Yaers Of Decay''i gitarla calmalari kadar grup populer olmustu..

    Grup ne kadar basit bir thrash metal grubu gibi gorunse de melodileri ve sozleri ile asiri derece de karamsar ve karanliktir. ''I Hear Black'' albumunu ilk dinledigim de yine siradan bir album cikardiklarini sanmistim ama bunalim bir animda dinledigimde artik frekansi mi tutturmustum neydi grubun hicte oylesine bir grup olmadigini iyice idrak etmistim. Albumun adi gibi gercekten dinlerken o siyahligi ve karanligi duyup hissedebiliyor insan...

    W.F.O. albumuyle ise gruba eskisi kadar konsantire olmadim, durust olmak gerikirse bu albumden sonra pek takmadim. Artik siradanlasmis isyanliklar banel geliyordu ve ''Fxxk You & Then Some'' albumunun kapagini gorunce de kafami cevirmekten baska bir sey yapmadim. Yine de eski gunlerin hatirina mi desem yoksa hala album cikartmarindan mi desem, grup yeniden dikkatimi cekti...

    Eminim yillarin verdigi tecrube ve kulakla cok iyi calismalar yapmislardir, bir ara kacirdigim albumlerini bulmaya calisip dusuncelerimi de iletirim kim bilir belki yeniden dinlemeye bile baslarim ama yine de ''Yaers of decay'' i dinleyip nostalji yapmak daha cekici geliyor....

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    Grup Elemanlari:

    Vokal: Bobby 'Blitz' Ellsworth
    Gitar: Dave Linsk
    Gitar: Derek Tailer
    Bas: D.D. Verni
    Drum: Tim Mallare

  • Cem Nizamoglu
    Cem Nizamoglu

    1982-83’lerde kurulan ve Thrash Metalin babalarindan sayilan Overkill grubunun simdiye kadar cikardigi albumleri:

    1985 - Feel The Fire
    1987 - Taking Over
    1988 - Under The Influence
    1989 - Years Of Decay
    1991 - Horrorscope
    1993 - I Hear Black
    1994 - W.F.O.
    1995 - Wrecking Your Neck [Live]
    1996 - Fuck You & Then Some
    1996 - Killing Kind
    1997 - From The Underground & Below
    1999 - Coverkill
    1999 - Necroshine
    2000 - Bloodletting
    2002 - Wrecking Everything [Live]
    2003 - Killbox 13
    2005 - ReliXIV