Ustalık babadan miras, elinde hüner,
Her işinde sabır var, her işinde eser.
Dolaplar yerli yerinde, duruyor sağlam,
Yeğeninle birlikte, verdin emek her an.
Masalar da gelecek, inşallah yakında,
Her köşede varlığın, iz bırakır sonsuza.
Mermer taşını da buldun, tanıdık bir dostla,
Her yardımın kalbimde, minnetle, duayla.
Sana teşekkür az gelir, gönlümde bir bahar,
Ellerin dert görmesin, yüreğinde sabır var.
Her işinle güzelleşir evim, dünya gibi,
Seninle anlam bulur hayatın özü, rengi.
Power of Labor
Mastery is inherited from the father, skill in his hands,
There is patience in every work, there is work in every work.
The cabinets are in their place, they are solid,
You and your nephew worked hard every moment.
Tables will also arrive, hopefully soon.
Your presence leaves a mark in every corner forever.
You also found the marble stone, with a familiar friend,
All your help is in my heart, with gratitude and prayers.
Thanking you is not enough, there is a spring in my heart,
Don't let your hands be troubled, there is patience in your heart.
My house becomes more beautiful with every work you do, like the world,
The essence and color of life finds meaning with you.
Kayıt Tarihi : 19.9.2024 11:55:00
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