9 Haziran 1963 Razgrad/BULGARİSTAN
You won't know that I love,
That we made love at night,
That I'm scattered with your love,
You won't know how much I burned.
Your eyes, your hair,
Your speeches in my heart,
Your smiles, your stature,
Your little honey lips,
On my lips, on my skin, you won't know.
You will nest,
You will have children and your pain,
Your love, your kindness,
In the cruelty of time,
You won't be able to take you from me.
Your cries and pains are mine,
Your smiles, your happiness.
Your heart is mine, your body is yours,
Let the one I love stay with me, this poem is yours,
But you won't know.
Kayıt Tarihi : 21.3.2023 17:40:00
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