To my son
On his Birthday
May all the coming birthdays'
Be healthy and happy like today's
May there be no sadness no sorows
May the sun shine all your tomorrows
There will be dark clouds some days
To find the sun behind there are ways
Don't give up I know you will not
Your perseverence will untie the not
You have been my SUN my son
You shined when all my hopes were gone
What can a mother say
Exept thank you and a HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Gelecek dogum gunlerinde
Saglikli ve neseli olsun
Bugunki gibi dogsun
Uzuntu dert olmasin geleceginde
Gunes dogsun butun yarinlarina
Kara bulutlar olsada bazi gunler
Saklanan gunesi gormek istersen eger
Yolunu bulacaksin gunesli gunlerin, sonunda
Vazgecmiyeceksin bilirim birakmiyacaksin cabani
Gayretin cozecektir butun karisik dugumleri
Oglumsun hemde gunesimsin besbelli
Umitsiz gunlerimde birakmadin hic yanimi
Ne diyebilir boyle bir gunde bir anne sana
Tesekkur ederim ve hayirli dogum gunleri
Demekten baska
Kayıt Tarihi : 26.12.2005 17:50:00

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