Yasin Kardeşime Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Yasin Kardeşime

Yasin Kardeşime

Gönlü güzel, özü pak, eli bereketli,
Sofrası rahmet, muhabbet neşeli,
Sıcak bir yürekle kucak açarken,
Misafir severlik onda emanet.

Güler yüzü huzur saçar etrafa,
Dostluklar dolar her bir tarafa.
Sütü, yoğurdu, horozu ile,
İkramı özden, özü sadıka.

Annesi, babası, gönlüyle büyük,
Sözleri tatlı, sevgisi yüce.
Anadolu insanı, kalbi temiz,
Bereket yağsın her bir emeğine.

Kurbanlığımızı aldık duayla,
Helal kazanç, alın teriyle.
Rabbim yolunu açık eylesin,
Saadet versin hem dünyada, hem ahirette.

Allah rızasını eksik etmesin,
Malına, ömrüne bereket versin.
Biz ondan razıyız gönülden,
Rabbim de razı olsun Yasin'den (inşallah)

Yasin To My Brother

His heart is beautiful, his essence is pure, his hand is fertile,
The table is mercy, the conversation is joyful,
While embracing with a warm heart,
The hospitality of the guests is entrusted to him.

His smiling face spreads peace around,
Friendships are dollars on each side.
With milk, yogurt, cock,
From the essence of the treat, to the essence of the faithful.

Mother, father, big with heart,
His words are sweet, his love is sublime.
Anat Jul man, his heart is clean,
May blessings rain down on each of your labors.

We received our sacrifice with prayer,
Halal earnings, with the sweat of the forehead.
May my Lord make his way clear,
May He give happiness both in this world and in the hereafter.

Do not let Allah lack his pleasure,
May he bless his wealth and his life.
We are pleased with him wholeheartedly,
And may my Lord be pleased with Yasin (God willing)

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 24.2.2025 10:53:00