Whispers in the Rain
Is my love there will she answer my call
I come to her as a whisper in the rain
I beckon to her will she hear my refrain
Listen as the silvered raindrops splash and fall
Making sounds of laughter and song as they play
They welcome the present and clear the past away
The viel of friendship is now replaced
As I see soft light shimmer on her less face
Is the rain that falls in her distant land
The same rain that once touched my hand
(Canada, 24.05.2004)
Those fluted droplets that caress her alabaster skin.
Will they carry my message and allow me in
Though I am distant and far away
I will come to my love as a whisper in the rain
as I did long ago.
Kayıt Tarihi : 25.5.2004 00:36:00
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![Blair Tweddle 1](https://www.antoloji.com/i/siir/2004/05/25/whispers-in-the-rain.jpg)
It is a super poem . Congrulations !!!!