Abir Zaki Adlı Antoloji.com Üyesinin Şair ve ...

  • iyi uykular..... :-) en guzel siirlerinden biri, ve de cok canli bir siir!...kelimelerin yerine, (Ve sen...
    Ve ben) -ikinizi- goruyor gibiyimmmmmm...ruhun hic susmasin dost!

  • ben döküldükce
    sen köpürürsün .... bu dort kelime kafi ....
    Yuregin hic susmasin sevgili dost...
    (I would give my life to swim in the sea of your love... and be drowned in the fire of thy eyes..!!!)

  • Tek kelimeyle, Muhtesem......!!!
    (captivated by HER beauty, HER presence and HER spell...,
    I would happily die for HER!...) sevgiyle ....

  • Bana Seni Ver!

    Naime Erlaçin

    17.09.2003 - 13:08

    And as I promised... :-)

    Raping MY Mind…//

    Sitting there staring in an endless blackness//
    Screams captivating my mind//
    Bruised inside by the taste of love//
    On the surface of the tongues//
    Floating in the waves of my language…//

    My mind is tough,//
    And can be corrected//
    I don't ge ...

  • Bana Seni Ver!

    Naime Erlaçin

    17.09.2003 - 13:05

    wwooowwwww tek kelimeyle muhtesemmmmmm...! hersey sevgiyle, ve gonlunce olsunnnnnnn...

  • Değdireceğiz başlarımızı önce birer birer Arş-ı Azam'a //
    Sonra gireceğiz, tekrar, kovuldugumuz Cennet-i Ala’ya..! //................... boyle bi finale, sapka cikartirilir ancak........ yine bu olaganustu iki dizen le damgalamissin....ruhun hic susmasin, dost!

  • Bana ne!

    Muammer Çelik

    15.09.2003 - 09:43

    To the heck with themmmmm :-)))))

  • evet, can kurban ........ :-))

  • very touchingggggggggggggg....

  • Your mind, your heart, your soul//
    all lie curled up in me//
    waiting for the moment //
    when your guts are screaming //
    as I watch you, the beautiful human being //
    and confused by the me that I am //
    and by the you that you are… // (My Addiction / 9, '03)...
    Okurken, bu dizeler dipnotunda ...

  • boyle yuce bir ask, ancak yildizlarda ve yakamozlarda yasanir, ve orada sevisirler... yuregine ve sevdana saglik...

  • Onsuz Aşk…!

    Muammer Çelik

    13.09.2003 - 12:16

    O'na tokat attiktan sonra, yine geldi ve yuzunu cirmaladi, ve yerden yere vurdu...eee simdi O'nsuz yasamayi nasil becerebilir bi insan? muhtesemdi...askina saglik...

  • Umutla, nazla, ofkeyle, ve ozlemle sevmekkkk...hep kendince sev dostum...!

  • yanmis ama dumani tatlidir... askina saglik.. :-)

  • bencede... :-)

  • The night was dark.....The distance scene...One step enough for her.....Pride ruled her will....Remembered past memories....But with an angle face, who continued to smile....SHE overruled her PRIDE and continue to be the Pillar, in the clouds........

  • ve ben hic sasirmadimmmmm...Muhtesem bir donus Naime.... Ve Derin, sana kocaman bir BRAVO!!!!

  • absolutely right!!!

  • ZirDeli‘yim

    Muammer Çelik

    10.09.2003 - 11:00

    (You said, I say) siirimi buraya ekliyemem artik, yoksa beni sayfandan kovarsin...yanliz su dizileri ekliyecegim....sorry friend, n'apim, bunu okurken benimkini hatirladim....
    ((I say my beloved,
    that we share the same loneliness,
    the same sufferings,
    the same love, longing and happiness
    an ...

  • (I am breathing you, with every inhale, with every exhale…..........)

    (In the far corners of your mind, of your soul,
    Can you still hear me breathing..? ) bu siirimi hatirlattin....hatirlatti ama/but yours is like a meteor, and mine like the desert sand, reflected by the meteor!!!

  • boyle bir siirle anilmak ne mutlu...www.basarm.com.tr sitesinde, bu siiri anasayfalarina eklemisler, ve cok iyi etmisler...Kutlarim dost!

  • Nizah, Mizah

    Muammer Çelik

    10.09.2003 - 10:34

    Yine affina siginiyorum ama benim (ON FIRE) i buraya eklemeden edemedim..sorry friend..:-))

    (ON FIRE!!!!
    Pull me to your chest, roughly, stoutly…
    Slide your tongue between my lips hungrily, thirstily…
    Run your anxious hands along my quivering body affectionately, tenderly…
    Press your lips ...

  • cast your gaze, eyes in wait,
    there are no unlockable doors,
    my friend,
    for always TRUE LOVE waits!!!

  • Dinim İslâm

    Muammer Çelik

    10.09.2003 - 10:17

    diline, yuregine ve insanligina saglik....INSAN ADAM!

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