Sn Yavuz Patır Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Sn Yavuz Patır

Yüksek binanın on üç katında,
Bütçe Şube’nin kapısında halk hep sırada,
Yavuz Patır, o azimli, çalışkan insan,
Her sabah gelir, başlar hizmete canıylan.

Ödenek almak için bekler her zaman vatandaş,
O kapı hiç kapanmaz, dolup taşar hep bir telaş,
Sürekli gelen, giden, bir hareket var orada,
Ama Yavuz Bey, sanki her gelen dost bağrında.

Güler yüzüyle herkesi karşılar içten,
Ne kalp kırar ne gönül, hep zarif, hep düşünceli,
İşini halleder, kimseyi geri çevirmez,
Şube değil sanki dost meclisi, sohbet deryası serbest.

Vatandaş şubeden girer içeri umutla dolu,
Yavuz Bey ve personeli, gönülden sunar çözüm yolu,
Amaç hizmet etmek, devlete layık olmak,
Bu şube başka şubelere örnek, işte burada fark.

Personel ince düşünür, hassas ve nazik,
Her biri gönülden çalışır, vatandaşa bir nazar,
Saygı ve hürmet her işin başında,
Devlete hizmeti bilirler, gönülden yaparlar da.

Yavuz Bey’in şubesi, sanki bir dost kapısı,
Gelen herkes sevgiyle dolup gider ardında,
Kalp kırılmaz, gönül alınır her sabah,
Her işi güler yüzle yaparlar, asla olmaz bir savaş.

Vatandaş bilir, o şube farklıdır her demde,
Hizmetin hakkı verilir, her adımda dikkatle,
Bir muhabbet döner, dostluk olur ortada,
Yavuz Bey ve ekibi devlete bağlı, her zaman orada.

Her sabah başlar aynı azim ve gayretle,
Gün boyu durmadan çalışır, yine de naifçe,
Halk gelir, hizmeti bulur, ardınca hiç dargın gitmez,
O şube bir bütçe değil, dostlar meclisi gibidir, çözüm hiç bitmez.

Yavuz Bey ve ekibi, ince düşünür, hassas davranır,
Vatandaşın derdi onların derdi olur, hep anlamaya bakar,
Gönül kazananlar, gönülden iş yapanlar,
Devlete hizmetin en güzel örneği, işte buradalar.

Her sabah açılır kapı, gülen yüzle başlarlar,
Kimseyi üzmeden, işler hızla halledilir orada,
Yavuz Patır ve ekibi, adeta çalışmanın resmi,
Devlete hizmet, vatandaşa sevgi, şubenin kalbinde yatan derin sevgi.

Thirteen floors of a tall building,
People are always waiting at the door of the Budget Branch,
Yavuz Patır, he is a determined, hardworking person,
He comes every morning, starts the service, who is alive.

A citizen who always waits to receive an allowance is always,
That door never closes, it's always full, there's always a rush,
There is a constant coming and going, there is a movement there,
But Mr. Yavuz, it's like every friend who comes is in his bosom.

He welcomes everyone with his smiling face sincerely,
What a heartbreaker, what a heartbreaker, always elegant, always thoughtful,
He takes care of his business, he doesn't turn anyone away,
It's not like a branch, it's like a friendly assembly, the conversation stream is free.

The citizen enters from the branch full of hope,
Mr. Yavuz and his staff sincerely offer the way to a solution,
The purpose is to serve, to be worthy of the state,
This branch is an example of other branches, that's the difference here.

The staff thinks finely, sensitive and kind,
Each of them works wholeheartedly, an evil eye to the citizen,
Respect and respect are at the beginning of every job,
They know how to serve the state, and they do it wholeheartedly.

Mr. Yavuz's branch is like a friendly door,
Everyone who comes is filled with love behind him,
The heart is not broken, the heart is taken every morning,
They do everything with a smiling face, there will never be a war.

The citizen knows, that branch is different in every case,
The right to the service is given, carefully at every step,
A conversation turns around, there will be friendship in the middle,
Mr. Yavuz and his team are connected to the state, they are always there.

Every morning starts with the same perseverance and diligence,
He works non-stop all day long, still naïvely,
The people come, find the service, and then there are no hard feelings,
That branch is not a budget, it is like the council of friends, the solution never ends.

Mr. Yavuz and his team think carefully, behave sensitively,
The citizen's problem becomes their problem, he always looks to understand,
Winners of hearts, those who do business from the heart,
The best example of service to the state, here they are.

Every morning the door opens, they start with a smiling face,
Things are handled quickly there without upsetting anyone,
Yavuz Patır and his team, almost the picture of the study,
Service to the state, love for the citizen, deep love that lies at the heart of the branch.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 24.9.2024 12:33:00