Selam Olsun
Selam olsun yüreğini ortaya koyanlara,
Bir damla umutla karanlığı boğanlara,
Hakkı hak bilip adaletle doğanlara,
Mazlumun duasını alanlara selam olsun.
Selam olsun emeğini kutsal bilenlere,
Helal lokmayı çocuklarına verenlere,
Zorluklar karşısında yılmadan direnenlere,
Hak yolunda sabırla duranlara selam olsun.
Selam olsun vatan için can feda edenlere,
Bayrak için gözyaşıyla dua edenlere,
Düşmana karşı dimdik saf tutan ellere,
Şehadeti şeref bilenlere selam olsun.
Selam olsun dağ gibi sevdalar taşıyanlara,
Gönlündeki sevgiyi yola yoldaş yapanlara,
Yalnız kalmayı, ama doğruyu seçenlere,
Zulme karşı direnip seslenenlere selam olsun.
Selam olsun dillerde türkü, yüreklerde sevda,
Hasretin özlemini ilmek ilmek dokuyanlara,
Karlı dağlarda göğsünü siper eden dağlara,
Sevgiyi kutsal bilen yüreklere selam olsun.
Selam olsun vefaya, dostluğa, sevdaya,
Geceyi aydınlatan yıldızlara, sabaha,
Mazide kalanlara, unutulmayan hatıralara,
Her nefeste insanı yaşatan sevgiye, duaya.
Selam olsun Bahattin Ağbi gibi baba yüreklere,
Sessiz acılarıyla vakur duran bileklere,
Zamanın ötesine dokunan dost ellere,
Gönülleri incitmeden konuşan dillere.
Selam olsun Mecnun gibi sevdaya bedel ödeyenlere,
Hayatı omuzlayıp da yılmayan gönüllere,
Çayın ve sohbetin sıcaklığıyla dolan odalara,
Bir ömür boyu misafirperverliği yaşatanlara.
Selam olsun Selim’in neşesine, şen kahkahasına,
Sanayiye can katan o dostça selamına,
Kardeşlik bağını güçlendiren sımsıcak bir bakışa,
Her daim yanımızda olan dostluk havasına.
Selam olsun Mehmet Amca ve Fadime Ninemin ruhlarına,
Yeşilin koynunda huzurla yatan canlara,
Rize’nin yükseklerine, bulutlarla yarışan dağlara,
Özlemle yanan gönüllerde yankılanan dualara.
Selam olsun Osman’ın terine, kas gücüne,
Her yükte bir umut taşıyan yüreğine,
Çocukları için dağları aşan azmine,
Hayatı sevmeyi öğreten sessiz cesaretine.
Selam olsun Emre ve Ömer’in kardeşliğine,
Aynı gönülde atan kalplerin sevgisine,
Gülüşleriyle neşe saçan o evin huzuruna,
Misafirperverliğin samimi sıcak dokusuna.
Selam olsun Abdullah Bilim’in arılarından gelen bala,
Bir yudum çay eşliğinde dostluğu tatlı kılan ana,
Allah için yanan kalbin o saf niyetine,
Her sohbeti bir dost meclisine çeviren kelimelerine.
Selam olsun Yunus Emre’nin kalemine,
Yedi kitabın ruhuyla beslenen hikmetine,
Unutulsa da yazmaya devam eden azmine,
Gönüllerde bir ışık yakmayı düşleyen sevdasına.
Selam olsun Ramazan Bey’in kahkahasına,
Hayatı hafife alıp da mutlu yaşamasına,
Çalışanlarına bir baba gibi yaklaşmasına,
İnsanlığı ön planda tutan vicdanına.
Selam olsun tüm dostlara, geçmişe, bugüne,
Her adı geçenin hikâyesine, yüreğine,
Birlikte paylaşılan acıya, sevince, hüzne,
Dünyada ve ahirette dost kalmaya niyet edene.
Selam olsun selamı hak eden herkese,
Dualarla yücelen o samimi hislere,
Ömrü dostlukla süsleyen o güzel ellere,
Bir nefes kadar yakın olan Rahman’a, Rabbimize.
Peace be upon those who reveal their hearts,
To those who drown the darkness with a drop of hope,
For those who know the truth and are born with justice,
Peace be upon those who receive the prayer of the oppressed.
Greetings to those who know their labor sacred,
For those who give halal morsels to their children,
Those who resist without fear in the face of difficulties,
Peace be upon those who patiently stand on the path of truth.
Greetings to those who sacrificed their lives for the homeland,
For those who tearfully pray for the flag,
To the hands that stand firm against the enemy,
Peace be upon those who honor the martyrdom.
Greetings to those who carry lovers like mountains,
For those who make the love in their hearts a companion to the path,
To be alone, but to those who choose the right,
Peace be upon those who resist and call out against injustice.
Greetings, folk songs on tongues, love in hearts,
For those who weave the noose of longing, the noose of longing,
To the mountains that cover their chest in the snowy mountains,
Greetings to the hearts that know love sacred.
Greetings to loyalty, friendship, love,
By the stars that light up the night, by the morning,
For those who remain in the past, for memories that are not forgotten,
To the love that keeps people alive with every breath, to prayer.
Hail to the father hearts like Bahattin Brother,
To the wrists that stand solemn with their silent suffering,
Friendly hands that touch beyond time,
Languages that speak without hurting hearts.
Peace be upon those who pay a price for love like Madnun,
For hearts that shoulder life and do not get tired,
To rooms filled with the warmth of tea and conversation,
For those who have experienced hospitality for a lifetime.
Greetings to Selim's joy, his merry laughter,
To that friendly greeting that adds life to the industry,
A warm look that strengthens the bond of brotherhood,
The air of friendship that is always with us.
Greetings to the souls of Uncle Mehmet and Grandma Fadime,
To the souls that lie peacefully in the bosom of the green,
To the heights of Rize, to the mountains competing with the clouds,
To the prayers that resonate in hearts burning with longing.
Greetings to Osman's sweat, November, muscle strength,
To the heart that carries a hope in every burden,
The determination to cross mountains for their children,
To the quiet courage that teaches you to love life.
Greetings to Emre and Omar's brotherhood,
For the love of hearts that beat in the same heart,
To the peace of that house that radiates joy with its smiles,
Into the intimate warm texture of hospitality.
Greetings to the honey from the bees of Abdullah Bilim,
The main one that makes friendship sweet with a sip of tea,
For that pure intention of the burning heart for Allah,
To his words, which turn every conversation into a friendly assembly.
Greetings to the pen of Yunus Emre,
To the wisdom that feeds on the spirit of the seven books,
To the perseverance that continues to write even though it is forgotten,
To the lover who dreams of shining a light in the hearts.
Greetings to the laughter of Mr. Ramadan,
To take life for granted and live happily,
To approach his employees like a father,
To his conscience, which puts humanity at the forefront.
Greetings to all friends, to the past, to the present,
To the story of every name mentioned, to your heart,
To the pain, joy, sadness shared together,
Who intends to remain friends in this world and in the hereafter.
Peace be upon all who deserve greetings,
To those sincere feelings exalted by prayers,
To those beautiful hands that decorate life with friendship,
To the Merciful, who is as close as a breath to our Lord.
Kayıt Tarihi : 2.1.2025 11:55:00
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