The first light greets your branches with reverence,
Your crest smiles beyond the horizon.
You hear the whisper of the winds leaf by leaf,
Robins full of love twitter above you.
Your sturdy presence sets an example for people,
Storks bring their tidings from lands faraway.
You endure summers and winters like the earth to be tilled,
Your bright world is so real - yet so different from ours.
You're the ornament and pride of this world,
Your shadow sings scintillating airs of light to earth.
Purest and selfless of all loves,
The life of the toilers is close to your heart.
Your trunk is as strong as steel poplar tree,
I feel like embracing you.
May each of you grow into thousands in our land,
All my best wishes to you with love.
Translated by Nilüfer Mizanoğlu Reddy
Şiirin aslı: Kavak Ağacı
Oğuz TanselKayıt Tarihi : 22.5.2015 14:45:00
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