Please, Come! ... Şiiri - Fatma Akar

Fatma Akar




Please, Come! ...

Whenever I see you
I was all in a tumble
Quite so!
Because; I love you
I die for you
You, apple of the eye my
You, in the mind's eye my
In my heart of hearts
In anybody
I promise you
Only you!
Take my word for it
My all
I'II love you while I live
I'II go where you go after life
I won't have anything said againts your
I won't here of it
Not for anything
I won't quite you
Now, I'm expecting your come back
I missed you
I long for you
I have been waiting for a long time
I think about you all the time
Please, come! ...

Fatma Akar
Kayıt Tarihi : 23.6.2007 00:13:00
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  • Şirkan Hatay
    Şirkan Hatay

    slm! bir de ebnim yazdığım Come şiirime bak lütfen! şirkan hatay

    Cevap Yaz
  • Veli Aykar
    Veli Aykar

    Ben de ingilizce bilmiyorum ve Fransızca yanıtlıyorum. ( Je voudrais savoir ce que vos avez dit dans votre poesie. Quand meme Je vous felicite.)

    Cevap Yaz


Fatma Akar