Negative thinking and the following

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Negative thinking and the following

Negative thinking and the following

This energy does not help us, it suppresses and suffocates our hopes with his strength.

Positive thinking the other hand, brings us close to the good energy. This energy helps us and gives us more strength and courage in life. We should all understand one thing very well, I'm not talking about the superficial world, the motivational speaker who overheard runterrattert his knowledge and sell to people in the crowd as a great master of soul. No, I'm talking about the mental attitude of the people in the world.

For everything plays a role in our lives, our thoughts also play a huge role in our existence.

As the saying goes:
Watch your thoughts, for they become words.
Watch your words, for they become actions.
Watch your actions, for they are acts.
Watch your actions, because they are habits.
Watch your habits, for they become your character.
Watch your character, for he will be your fate.

Thoughts are energy sources that can not be seen with the naked eye kann.Aber one has the choice to decide between the negative and positive side.

Önder Demir

Önder Demir
Kayıt Tarihi : 19.2.2010 17:32:00
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