Merhum Satılmış Said Vargün Hocama.

Sıcak Rüzgar




Merhum Satılmış Said Vargün Hocama.

Kavurmuş kalbini iman ateşi
Yandıkça pişiyor dava adamı
Alın teri varken yemez beleşi
Doydukça coşuyor dava adamı

Doğmayan güneşe etmez ki kahır
Bitmeyen umuttan cesaret alır
Dünyadan göçse de davası kalır
Yaşadıkça yaşar dava adamı..

Kalbine yas dolsa, durur namaza
Kaderin hakikatine gösterir rıza
Bütün zorlukları yükler omuza
Ezildikçe çeker dava adamı..

Bugüne güvenip yan gelip yatmaz
Çalışmayı sever, başından atmaz
Vatanın sevgisi kalbine batmaz
Sevdikçe seviyor dava adamı…

Bir kere konuşur, yüz defa dinler
Herkese saygılı, uzaktır kinler
Fikir damlaları kalbinde inler
Doğruya yön olur dava adamı..

Cesaret iksirin kalbinde bulan
O’dur al-bayrağa selamın duran
İnancı mukaddes, imanı Kuran
Doldukça nur açar dava adamı...

Kör dünyanın perdesini yırtacak
Fatih’in Tuğrasını Arş’a basacak
Geçilmeyen çetin yollar aşacak
Yürüdükçe yürür dava adamı…

Saygı ve rahmetle…

The fire of faith has scorched your heart
The case man cooks as he burns
He doesn't eat freebies when he has hard work
The man of cause becomes more excited as he gets full

It doesn't hurt the sun that doesn't rise
Takes courage from endless hope
Even if he leaves this world, his cause remains
The man of cause lives as long as he lives..

If your heart is filled with grief, you will stop praying
Consent to the truth of destiny
He carries all the difficulties on his shoulders
The more the man of cause is crushed, the more he suffers.

Don't rely on today and lie down
He likes to work, he doesn't give up
The love of the country does not sink into your heart
The man of cause loves as much as he loves...

Speaks once, listens a hundred times
Respectful to everyone, stay away from grudges
Drops of ideas moan in your heart
The man of cause will lead to the truth..

Courage is found in the heart of the elixir
He is the one who salutes the al-flag
Faith is sacred, faith is in the Quran
As it fills, the light shines on the man of cause...

Will tear the curtain of the blind world
He will place Fatih's Tughra on the Throne
The difficult roads that have not been passed will be overcome
The man of cause walks as he walks...

With respect and mercy…

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 7.8.2024 11:53:00