melts my body in your eyes of a doe,
you, shaped in my soul as a shy child,withdrawn
say, it is frosty and avalenches fall down
i love your glowing eyes that way exactly,
my hands seek for your tiny,long fingers,
you hide yourself like a timid turtledove
meet our hands
its now time for deep talks
very deep talks.intensive and dense
words are silent but at times
strong as waterfalls
now, begins time of imprisonment
no key to locked fingers, impossible
innocent and fragile
pure and clean like snow on north pole
damn despair of mine dissapears in your hands
finding your curly and shiny hair in sweet scent gerenium winds...
my universe glows in your divine eyes
i see now,
ive been born again
with your love
should the minute hand chase after the hour,time suffers sad and deeply
never did appreciate more
any other slice of time before
in my more than fourty year of life.
yet now, every second of mine
cures me heals me like a deep breath longed for, for long.
so innocent the picture ive drawn,
and so delightfully sweet
indispensible chapter to countless stories
neither Ferhat nor Sirin would understand that,
nor, any one would understand my fever over your buttons
say imprisoned me you
as Zuleyha,
Yusuf i become, rising from deep dark wells
Id be Mecnun searching for you over thousand miles of desert
say you Leyla, torrifying my soul every single day,
i believe thats the meaning of eternal life
thats the meaning of picking the stars from the sky one by one
and lustering them with flaring red henna of moonlight
then stamping them onto the endless sky again.
I love you my gazelle eyed gazelle like love,
I love you
Aslan BaykaraKayıt Tarihi : 3.11.2010 19:45:00

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