Lady, Don’t Leave Me With Kissing

Hamza Çobanoğlu




Lady, Don’t Leave Me With Kissing

Lady, hopes of my world has broken
Unexpected days are in front of my door
Court of my heart decided to divorce
In a cloudy, muggy day
After a nice dream that we have
No one lives in my dreams except you
Another pub is waiting for me with patience
Put my soul in a wine glass
The drawer is asking me for more and more drink
Night is too late to think
It is time to have a deep, eternal sleep
Ignore your beliefs and feelings
Lady, dont leave me with kissing
I am down in the dumps
End of a love that I never want to finish
Hold my hand
And say you were kidding
Lady, I m ready to pick all roses for you
Don’t leave me with kissing.

Hamza Çobanoğlu
Kayıt Tarihi : 8.7.2006 00:28:00
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  • Ayhan Diril
    Ayhan Diril

    very nice poem...congratulations

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  • Ayhan Diril
    Ayhan Diril


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    Mehmet Kıyak

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Hamza Çobanoğlu