9 Haziran 1963 Razgrad/BULGARİSTAN
I opened it, I looked at the mountain slope full of trees,
I gathered berries, looked and ate,
My stomach hurt, I didn't look, I hung up.
I gathered myself, I looked, I opened the way,
I went far, the limb ended, I looked, I was there,
I found the village, opened the house, looked and closed it.
I looked, I turned on the TV with the remote,
I've never been hungry, the news is not heartwarming,
I was hurt, I closed, I was caught in going to help.
I opened myself well, I ate well,
I inflated my bag, I hid in my clothes,
I opened the way to eternity, I was there, I was there.
Kayıt Tarihi : 8.4.2023 17:56:00
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