Oh, I'm a rose on your thorn,
I am ice in the winter,
I turn yellow and wither in the autumn.
You who are a little bit dear to the soul,
You are the excitement of my heart,
Let it burn for my body,
I loved it, never mind, fate should be ashamed.
O I am destroyed by your love,
I'm a novice rookie next to you,
Every time I got kicked out of the door.
Don't call me death, your eyes are enough,
Don't say crawl, your words are enough for me,
Two worlds, I miss you enough,
I loved it, never mind, fate should be ashamed.
O I count stars in my sky,
I count your jamal as heaven,
I am full without eating or drinking.
If you heal, he says, I will rot,
I'm confused how to walk,
I'm not living, I'm dead, I'm going to die,
I loved it, never mind, fate should be ashamed.
Kayıt Tarihi : 23.3.2023 10:04:00
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