I'll be yo' illusion!
you're gon' even never touch me,
enjoy wit' me in 'dis trip,
just imagine how it's gon' be a blue deep!
I'll be yo' explosion!
you're gon' solely burn me,
enjoy wit' me in 'dis hell,
just imagine dat's the lost paradise shell!
I'll be yo' invasion!
you're not gon' resist to me,
enjoy wit' me in 'dis heartquake,
just imagine how it's gon' be a fantastic attact!
I'll be yo' passion!
you're gon' go crazy wit' me,
enjoy wit' me in 'dis adventure freely,
just imagine dat's the love game only!
Kayıt Tarihi : 17.5.2007 20:46:00
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![İbrahim Araz](https://www.antoloji.com/i/siir/2007/05/17/i-ll-be-yo-illusion.jpg)
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