I had but one heart to love the one,
Wasn’t easy to leash my soul against you,
Darling, my heart would've never sailed away,
Had I never seen you……
I had but one dream to share with the one,
Never painted the picture of love, before you,
Darling, the dream would've never blown apart,
Had I never talked with you…….
I had but one life dedicated to all beings,
Used to be the one to heal the wounds,
Never felt so deprived without you,
Darling, that light would have never wilted,
Had I never felt for you…………
Kayıt Tarihi : 10.2.2010 16:46:00
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![Alper Tuner](https://www.antoloji.com/i/siir/2010/02/10/had-i-never.jpg)