Since Adam and Eve were on earth, here,
Even the price was so high and so dear,
Man was in search for God, temple, no fear,
For centuries it was so and so it is today.
In God’s name, David’s appearance,
To bring order, happiness and peace,
Presented his book, a holy piece,
Known for centuries and so it is today.
Leading his flock and men, an old stick in hand,
His beard is on belly, Moses walked on hot sand,
Presented The Old Testament as God’s Command,
Who is followed for centuries and so it is today.
He cared for order and peace as a holy goal,
Nailed body on cross, was left by his soul,
Son Jesus left behind Bible and a sorrow for all,
Centuries passed on his path and so it is today.
In Khira Cave, Arafat Valley and a new thesis,
From Holy Mecca like Jeruselam known as Kudus,
Mohammad presented Koran and his new verses,
Centuries passed with his rules and so it is today.
There are prayers, praying to other created ones,
Worshippers to earth, sky, moon and sun,
Satanists, Buddhists and many others among,
Many centuries passed so and so it is today.
No day without a new prophet or a new religion,
Always innocents pay the price with no reason,
Ask “WHY”, not Heaven but Hell will be your region,
So it was, So it will be again and so it is today.
Fact and right path, should be one, only one,
An alternate to the fact and true path is none,
To be sheltered by Lord is a right for everyone,
Choices are many, which is true, and only one.
Ademoğlu dünyaya geleli,
Çook çok yüksek olsa da bedeli,
Tanrı, mabed aramış ezeli,
.............Böyle gelmiş böyle gidedurur.
Tanrı adına halka zuhuru,
Kurmak için düzeni, huzuru,
Sunmuş, kutsal kitap Zebur u,
.............Davut la kaç zamandır gelinir.
Elinde bir kuru dal, asayla,
Tevratla, on emirlik yasayla,
Sakalı göbeğinde Musa yla,
.............Asırlar, asırlardır gelinir.
Barış barış diye bir tasayla,
Çarmıda biten, ömrü kısayla,
Kitabı İncil, babasız İsa la,
.............Kaç asırlar boyudur gelinir.
Hira dağı, Arafat vadisi,
Kutsal kılmış, Mekkeyi, Kudüsü,
Muhammed in Kuranı, Hadisi,
.............Onunla da asırlardır gelinir.
Yer gök, Aya, güneşe tapanlar,
Kulu kendine ilah yapanlar,
Var, budisti de, hindusu da var,
.............Böylece asırlardır gelinir.
Gün geçmez, yeni bir din çıkmasın,
Bedelini masuma yıkmasın,
Bir sorsan, cehenneme tıkmasın,
.............Daha böyle asırlar gidilir.
Hakikat ve doğru yol bir tektir,
Doğruya, başka seçenek yoktur,
Tanrıya sığınmak ise hakdır,
.............Yol çok da, doğru yol hangi tektir?
Kayıt Tarihi : 6.9.2005 09:54:00

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