Dünya Bize, Biz Birbirimize Emanet
Dünya bize emanet, biz birbirimize,
Doğusuyla, batısıyla, kardeş hepimize.
Bir Adem’in evladı, aynı nefes bizde,
Sarmaşık bir ormanız, her dal bir sevgiyle.
Adem’den mirastır her bir can, her renk,
Saygıyı, merhameti dileyen yürek,
Dil, ırk, mezhep fark etmez, birdir gerçek,
Yürekte muhabbet ölümsüz gerek.
Birlikte yarattı bizi kudretli el,
Dilimiz, rengimiz bir fark etmez, güzel.
Düşmanlıkta ne var, dostluk en derin tel,
Sevgiyle büyüsün kalplerde her hecel.
Rabbim bize bahşetti konuşmayı, görmeyi,
Verdi elimize yeryüzünü, çölü, çiçeği.
Kardeşlikten şaşmadan sürdürsek bu yolu,
Bu dünya cennet olur, aydınlanır sonu.
Ağırdır omuzda dostluk, kardeşlik,
Her gönülde solmamalı sevgi çiçek,
Küslük kin nefret mi bizim bilecek?
Muhabbetle sarıl, kalmasın üzmek.
Bir tebessüm kardeşlik, sadakadır derler,
Yıkılır kin duvarı, sevgiyle açılır yer.
Yetim başı okşanır, mazlum dertten iner,
Merhametin olduğu kalpler hep büyür.
Ama ne yazık, gün geçtikçe uzaklaştık,
Her dostun yerinde bir başka kin bulduk.
Kardeşlik özlem oldu, sevgiye muhtaç olduk,
Dünyamız yiterken bizlerde solduk.
Oysa Efendimiz’den mirastır bize,
Ensar ile Muhacir kardeş oldu bir gece.
Öğretti ki insanlık, yardımlaşma nice,
Dostlukla buluşunca, bu hayat bir hece.
Aç gönlünü, bırak saf sevgi aksın,
Tevazu, sabırla dostluklar yaksın,
Ne övünmek düşer, ne kibir artsın,
Kendini bilmeyen karanlıkta kalsın.
Bir tebessüm, kardeşlik için sadaka,
Sevgi tohumu ek, bir ömür sakla,
Yetimi, öksüzü, garibi yokla,
Herkes bilsin merhamet et daima.
Gelin el birliğiyle kurulsun sevgi tahtı,
Hoşgörü, adaletle büyüsün bu milletin bahtı.
Huzura kucak açsın göğsünde bu anlık,
Dünya bize, biz birbirimize emanet artık!
Ecel sessiz sinsice yaklaşmakta,
Mutluluk, güzellikler kapımızda.
Sevgi dolsun haneler, kalplere huzur ver,
Halbuki birlikte yaşamak en büyük değer.
Unutma, emanetiz bu koca dünyada,
Sevgiyle kuşat ki her yaraya merhem sağla.
Huzur içinde yaşamak varken burada,
Kıymet bil kardeşim, yaşatalım dünyada!
The World Trusts Us, We Trust Each Other
The world trusts us, we trust each other,
East and west, brother to all of us.
Son of an Adam, we have the same breath,
We are an ivy-covered forest, every branch is with love.
Every soul is a legacy from Adam, every color,
The heart that wishes for respect, compassion,
It doesn't matter the language, race, sect, it's the same truth,
The conversation in the heart needs to be immortal.
Together he created us with a mighty hand,
It doesn't matter our language, our color, it's beautiful.
What is there in hostility, friendship is the deepest wire,
Let every spell grow with love in your hearts.
My Lord has given us to speak, to see,
He gave us the earth, the desert, the flower.
If we continue this path without being surprised by the brotherhood,
This world will become heaven, the end will be enlightened.
Friendship is heavy on the shoulder, brotherhood,
The flower of love should not fade in every heart,
Will the bitter hatred hate us to know?
Hug with conversation, don't let it stay sad.
They say a smile is brotherhood, charity,
The wall of hatred breaks down, the place opens with love.
The orphan's head is stroked, the oppressed gets out of trouble,
Hearts with compassion always grow.
But unfortunately, we drifted away day by day,
We found another grudge in every friend's place.
Brotherhood has become a longing, we have become in need of love,
As our world was lost, we also withered.
But it is an inheritance for us from our Master,
Ansar and Muhajir became brothers one night.
He taught that humanity, how to help,
When you meet with friendship, this life is a syllable.
Open your heart, let pure love flow,
Let humility burn friendships with patience,
Let neither boasting fall, nor arrogance increase,
Let him who does not know himself remain in the dark.
A smile, charity for the brotherhood,
October, sow the seed of love, save a lifetime,
Check out the orphan, the orphan, the strange,
Let everyone know, have mercy always.
Let the bride be established with the hand of the throne of love,
May tolerance grow with justice, the good fortune of this nation.
May you embrace peace on your chest this instant,
The world is entrusted to us, we are entrusted to each other now!
Death is quietly approaching insidiously,
Happiness, beauties are at our door.
Let the households be filled with love, give peace to the hearts,
However, living together is the greatest value.
Remember, we are trusted in this big world,
Surround it with love so that you can provide ointment for every wound.
When you can live in peace here,
Be precious, brother, let us live in the world!
Kayıt Tarihi : 13.11.2024 16:20:00
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