Cann You See Me In The Light

Sores Welat Demir




Cann You See Me In The Light

When you have will
You learn to forgive and forget
Your stupity is te desive
Which isslowing erasing your mind

Because I have to much
Nothing I have said
No have I ever done -anything
This is the firstday
In yor eyes Yo and I

When you learn to drivide
Don't fear the danger
Follow your heart to the light
Live your dream and breathe

Because I have to much
Nothing I have said
No have I ever done -anything
This is the firstday
In yor eyes Yo and I

When you listen yourself
Don't always expeckt
tofind undersstandig
I takes time
You may loose your faith
But don't be afraid
To find the soluation

Because I have to much
Nothing I have said
No have I ever done -anything
This is the firstday
In yor eyes Yo and I

Without you pain it wouldnt be the same
Experincens mode me strong
Wat every pain hurts
Deep in my side
follow your heart to the light
Live your dream and learn to carry on

(Man From Side adli ingilizce siir kitabindan. Bu siir ayrica sairin kendisinin calip söyledigi müsik repertuarinda da yer aliyor) .

Sores Welat Demir
Kayıt Tarihi : 20.12.2003 00:12:00
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Yorumunuz 5 dakika içinde sitede görüntülenecektir.
  • Nevin Kalafatoglu
    Nevin Kalafatoglu

    Because I have to much
    Nothing I have said
    No have I ever done -anything
    This is the firstday
    In yor eyes Yo and I

    I can see you in your poem

    bu yeter


    sade ve ligth....:))

    Cevap Yaz


Sores Welat Demir