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O yaşlı adamın birbuçuk katıydı
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Durdu birden ancak
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Doksan yıl uyku yok
Tik tak tik tak
Ömrünün saniyelerini sayarak
Tik tak tik tak
Durdu aniden ancak
Yeniden çalışmayacak
Öldüğünde ihtiyarcık
İzledi sarkacı ileri geri salınırken
Saatler harcamıştı böyle çocukken
Ve çocukluğunda ve kocamışlığında
Sanki biliyordu saat
Ve paylaşıyordu hem kederini hem neşesini
Çiçekli ve güzel bir gelinle
Kapıdan girer girmez
Gece yarısını vurmuştu saat
Durdu aniden ancak
Yeniden çalışmayacak
Öldüğünde ihtiyarcık
İşe aldığı hizmetliler arasında
Onun kadar sadığı yok derdi büyükbabam
Müthiş dakikti
Ve tek arzusu
Hafta sonuna doğru kurulmaktı
Ve korudu yerini
Yüzünde bir gülümsemeyle
Ve yana sarkmadı elleri asla
Durdu aniden ancak
Yeniden çalışmayacak
Öldüğünde ihtiyarcık
Henry C. Work (1832-1884, ABD)
Çeviren: İsmail Haydar Aksoy
Kayıt Tarihi : 8.7.2007 07:02:00
© Bu şiirin her türlü telif hakkı şairin kendisine ve / veya temsilcilerine aittir.
My Grandfather’s Clock by Henry C. Work My grandfather's clock was too large for the shelf So it stood ninety years on the floor It was taller by half than the old man himself Though it weighed not a pennyweight more. It was bought on the morn Of the day that he was born And was always his pleasure and pride But it stopped short Never to go again When the Old- Man—died Ninety years without slumbering Tick Tock Tick Tock His life seconds numbering Tick Tock Tick But it stopped short Never to go again When the old- man- died. He watched as its pendelum rocked to and fro Many hours he had spent as a boy And in childhood and manhood The clock seemed to know And to share both his grief and his joy For it struck twenty-four As he entered through the door With a blooming and beautiful bride But it stopped short Never to go again When the old man died My Grandfather said that of those he could hire Not a servant so faithful he found For it kept perfect time And its only desire At the close of each week to be wound And it kept in its place With a smile upon its face And its hands never hung by its side But it stopped short Never to go again When the old man died

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