Birsen Teyzeye Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Birsen Teyzeye


Bir çınar devrildi, soldu bir bahar,
Gitti bir güzel insan, kaldı hatıralar.
Birsen Teyze’m, nurla dolsun kabrin yolun,
Yolunu aydınlatsın iyiliklerin tövbelerin.

Sesin annem gibi, yüzün de öyle,
Sohbetin şefkatti, tatlı bir sözle.
Cömerttin, vefalı, dostça, içtensin,
Sıcak bir yuvaydın, gönülden sesin.

Her gidişim bayram, her sözün dua,
Kalbimde bir sığınak, sevgi dolu safa.
Seninle hasretim biraz dinerdi,
Annemden esintiydin, yüreğim gülerdi.

Rıza Amca’yı çok özlerdin hani,
Şimdi vuslat vakti, bitti hicranın.
Acın çilen ızdırabın
Bu dünya sürgünün nihayete erdi artık,
İnşaallah cennet kollarını sana serdi.

Üzgünüz, mahzunuz, kalbimiz yarım,
Dünya tenhalaştı, eksildi bir yanım.
Ama biliyoruz, dualar yoldaşın,
Adın kalbimizde, ruhun sırdaşın.

Rahmet yağsın üzerine her bir nefeste,
Mekânın cennet olsun en güzel köşede.
Biz seni bildik, sevdik, senden razıyız, rızayla…
Rabbimde senden razı olsun, muamele etsin affıyla…


A sycamore has toppled, a spring has withered,
A beautiful person has left, memories remain.
My Aunt Birsen, may your path to the grave be filled with light,
May your kindness light the way for your repentance.

Your voice is like my mother, so is your face,
Your conversation was affectionate, with a sweet word.
You were generous, loyal, friendly, sincere,
You were a warm home, your heartfelt voice.

Every time I go is a holiday, every word is a prayer,
A refuge in my heart, loving safa.
My longing for you would rest a little,
You were inspired by my mother, my heart would laugh.

When you used to miss Uncle Riza so much,
Now it's time to wake up, the migration is over.
Your pain, your grief, your suffering
Your exile in this world has finally come to an end now,
Inshaallah, heaven has spread its arms to you.

We are sorry, we are sad, our heart is half,
The world has become isolated, a part of me has been diminished.
But we know, prayers are your comrade,
Your name is in our hearts, your soul is your confidant.

May mercy rain down on you with every breath,
May your place be heaven in the most beautiful corner.
We know you, we love you, we are happy with you, with consent…
May my Lord be pleased with you, may he treat you with his forgiveness…

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 20.2.2025 16:37:00