Alone - Tek Başına şiirimin ingilizcesi

Hüseyin Gazi Metin




Alone - Tek Başına şiirimin ingilizcesi

One night, I will die suddenly
Like the clock on the wall
Like the fish in the bucket
Like the bird in the cage
Neither the ticking of the clock,
Nor the splashing of water in the bucket
Nor the sweet melody in the cage
Let them ever wake me again
Will I too, become a prisoner
To the whims of cursed fate?
Shall I bring joy
To a God without justice
Forever begging for his forgiveness?
Let Noah's ark drift aimlessly
Never to reach the shore
Let it never land
Let the waters flood the world
Let the sky be torn apart
Let all atoms be shattered
Let all the planets
Fall into each other's pull,
Let space vanish entirely
Perhaps the scalers of justice
Might be rebuilt anew
As long as this universe
Is no longer a toy of the gods
If, in this infinite expanse
Humanity no more than a speck of dust
Has failed to truly exist,
Then so be it
Let's see what God will do then
Better yet,
Let him play his game alone
All by himself.

Hüseyin Gazi Metin
Kayıt Tarihi : 4.2.2025 15:16:00
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