Adem oğlu mu, İnsan oğlu mu?

Adem oğlu mu, İnsan oğlu mu?

Adem oğlu doğduk geldik bu dünyaya,
Nice yollar varmış insan olma rüyaya,
Adem oğlu olmak yetmez, düşünsene,
İnsan olmak gerek, bak içindeki sahne.

Her can aynı nefes, aynı özden gelir,
Kimisi insanoğlu olur, kimisi bir nehir,
Bazısı şehvetle, ihtirasla yanar,
Bazısı iyiliğin peşinden koşar, akar.

Kötülük denen zehir, ruhları sarar,
Hırs, bencillik gelir, insanı bozar,
Şeytanın vesvesesi yolda bekler,
Kimi direnir, kimi düşer, gönlüyle seyreder.

Hayvanlardan aşağı olur insan bazen,
Haksızlıkla, zulümle, batar en derine,
Ama kalbiyle yürüyen, iyilikle dolu,
Ulaşır zirveye, geçer tüm engeli yolu.

İnsan şerefli mahlûk, seçilirken özel,
Kendi elleriyle yazar kaderini güzel,
Bir yol var çıkarır seni göğe kadar,
Bir yol var indirir, karanlıkta kalır.

İhtirası bırak, gönlüne bak,
İyilikte yarış, kötülükten sakın bak,
Gör bak, zamana da hükmedersin o an,
İnsanoğlu olur, aşarsın her plan.

Zirveye çıkanlar, kalbi temiz olanlar,
Kibrini atanlar, dünyaya doyanlar,
Kötülükten arınıp, sevgiyle bakanlar,
Mekânı aşar, zamanı saranlar.

Ademoğlu olmak kolay, herkes bilir,
İnsanoğlu olmaksa derin bir fikir,
İnsanlık tahtı yüksek, ancak layık olan,
Gönlüyle, ruhuyla ulaşır, en sağlam plan.

Sen de seç kaderini, iyilikten yana,
Kalbinle yürüdüğün her an, sonsuza,
Adem oğlu olmak yetmez, bil ki dostum,
İnsanoğlu olmak en büyük sonsuz yolum.

Son of Adam, we were born and came to this world,
There are many ways to dream, don't be human,
Being a son of Adam is not enough, think about it,
You have to be human, look at the scene inside.

Every soul comes from the same breath, the same essence,
Some become human beings, some become rivers,
Some burn with lust and passion,
Some run after goodness and flow.

The poison called evil surrounds the souls,
Greed and selfishness come and corrupt people,
Satan's whispers wait on the road,
Some resist, some fall, they watch with their hearts.

Sometimes humans are inferior to animals,
With injustice and cruelty, it sinks to the depths,
But he who walks with his heart full of goodness,
It reaches the top and passes all obstacles.

Man is an honorable creature, he is special when he is chosen,
Beautiful writes her destiny with her own hands,
There is a way that will take you up to the sky,
There is a way to take it down, it remains in the dark.

Leave your passion, look at your heart,
Compete in goodness, avoid evil,
See, you will rule time at that moment,
Be a human being, you can exceed every plan.

Those who rise to the top, those whose hearts are pure,
Those who throw away their arrogance, those who are satisfied with the world,
Those who are purified from evil and look with love,
They transcend space and surround time.

Being a son of Adam is easy, everyone knows,
Being a human being is a deep idea,
High is the throne of humanity, but worthy is he,
He reaches with his heart and soul, the most solid plan.

Choose your destiny too, on the side of goodness,
Every moment you walk with your heart, forever,
Being a son of Adam is not enough, know that my friend,
Being a human being is my greatest eternal path.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 24.9.2024 11:58:00
Sıcak Rüzgar