Zafer'in Yolculuğu Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Zafer'in Yolculuğu

Zafer’in Yolculuğu

Yıllar boyu Koçtaş’ta, emek verdi, ter döktü,
Şimdi yeni bir yolda, yüreği umutla köktü.
Doblo’sunu aldı, çıktı hayat yoluna,
Destek oldu ailesi, her daim yanında.

Gri Hyundai’si gitmiş, Fatih’e emanet,
Zafer’in gönlü geniş, geleceğe selamet.
Zafer’e dualarla, açıldı bu kısmet.

Ailesinin yardım ve desteği her zaman ,
Her adımında sabır, her adımında ahenk var bir harman.
Arkasında ailesi, dualar hep yanında her an,

Kargo dağıtacak şimdi, yollar uzun, zorlu,
Her kapıda bir hikâye, her kapıda bir yolcu.
Trafik telaşında, direksiyon başında sabır,
Her bir gün doğarken, yürekte bir avunma, bir kıvılcım.

Kapı kapı gezecek, nice insanlar tanır,
Her bir yüze bakarken sabırla yol alır,
Trafiğin telaşı, yollar hep meşakkat,
Lakin gönlü zengin, bu işte bereket.

Yeni insanlar tanıyacak, kültürden kültüre,
Sabırla kapı çalacak, güler yüzle her yere.
Kim bilir neler görecek, nice farklı âlem,
Ama yılmaz Zafer, o bilir bu işin hâlem.

Akşama dek sürecek, yollar uzun, bitmez,
Gönlünde bir umut var, geleceğe tükenmez.
Bu işin zahmeti çok, elbet yükü ağır,
Ama sabrıyla yürüyecek, yolu hep çağır.

Dualarımız seninle, Zafer, yolun açık,
Her yeni sabahın, umuduna ışık.
Kazancın bereketli, yolların hep selamet,
Allah versin güç, sebat daim kuvvet.

Hayatta zorluk olur, iniş çıkış da çoktur,
Ama pes etmez insan, gönlü sevgi doludur.
Zafer de bilir ki, her şey zamanla düzelir,
Sabırla bekleyene, Rabbim hep mükafatını verir.

Sen yeter ki yürü, bu yolda yılmadan,
Her gün bir yeni adım, gönlünde anmadan.
Trafikte insanlar, zorlayıp sabrını deneyecek,
Ama senin gönlün geniş, sabrın hep galip gelecek.

Bu yeni iş hayırlı, kazancın bol olsun,
Her kargon bereketle, evlere huzur olsun.
Zafer Bülbül, yolun açık, yüreğin de geniş,
Seninle bu yolculuk, bir zaferdir, eşsiz!

Dileğimiz hep seninle, yeni işin kutlu olsun,
Bol kazançlar getirsin, her adımın hayırla dolsun,
Yolun açık, bahtın aydın, gönlün mesut olsun,
Zafer Bülbül yollarda, mutluluk bereket bulsun.

Kapanmasın umutlar, rüzgarın esen yeli,
Hayırla geçsin günler, dert olmasın eli,
Zafer’ciğime yol açık, bereketle yürüsün,
Her gün dualarımızla, işin kolay gelsin.

Victory's Journey

For many years in Koçtaş, he worked hard, poured sweat,
Now on a new path, his heart was rooted with hope.
He took his doblo, went on the path of life,
His family has been supportive, he is always there.

His gray Hyundai is gone, entrusted to Fatih,
Victory's heart is wide, peace to the future.
With prayers to Victory, this destiny was opened.

The help and support of his family is always ,
There is patience in every step, harmony in every step, a blend.
His family is behind him, prayers are always with him every moment,

He will distribute cargo now, the roads are long, difficult,
A story at every door, a passenger at every door.
In the rush of traffic, patience at the wheel,
As each day dawns, a consolation in the heart, a spark.

He will walk from door to door, how many people he knows,
He patiently makes his way while looking at each face,
The rush of traffic, the roads are always busy,
But his heart is rich, blessings on this.

He will get to know new people, from culture to culture,
He will knock patiently on the door, with a smiling face everywhere.
Who knows what he will see, how many different orgies,
But yilmaz Zafer, he knows this job, halem.

It will take until the evening, the roads are long, endless,
There is hope in your heart, the future is inexhaustible.
This job is very troublesome, of course, the burden is heavy,
But he will walk with patience, always call the way.

Our prayers are with you, Victory, your path is clear,
Every new morning, the light of hope.
Your earnings are fertile, your paths are always safe,
May Allah give strength, perseverance, constant strength.

There are difficulties in life, there are many ups and downs,
But a person does not give up, his heart is full of love.
Victory also knows that everything will improve with time,
Whoever waits patiently, my Lord will always give his reward.

As long as you walk, don't get scared on this road,
One new step every day, without remembering in your heart.
People in traffic will push and try their patience,
But your heart is wide, your patience will always prevail.

This new job is good, may you have a lot of earnings,
May every cargo be blessed and peace to the houses.
Zafer Bulbul, your path is open, your heart is wide,
This journey with you is a victory, unique!

Our wish is always with you, happy new job,
May it bring abundant profits, may every step be filled with good,
Your path is clear, your luck is clear, your heart is happy,
May the Nightingale of victory find blessings on the roads, happiness.

Don't let the hopes close, the wind that blows,
Let the days pass with goodness, don't worry eli,
The way is open to my little Victory, may he walk with blessings,
With our prayers every day, may your job come easy.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 3.10.2024 17:33:00