Topraktan Uzak ve Kopuk Şiiri - Sıcak Rü ...

Sıcak Rüzgar




Topraktan Uzak ve Kopuk

Topraktan Uzak ve Koptuk

Bir zaman bahçeler, küçük evlerdik,
Toprağa değerdik, dertten arınırdık.
Ağaçlar, çiçekler, bahçeyle dosttuk,
Her gün toprakla yenilenip coştuk.

Bir zaman vardı yeşil bahçeler,
Her evde gönüller, hür çiçekler.
Toprağa değerdi ellerimiz,
Bütün dertler geçerdi, hafiflerdik.

Gecekondularda, huzurla vardık,
Gözlerde bir tebessümle uyandık.
El değdi toprağa, gönüller aktı,
Elektrik gitti, yürekler yaktı.

Bahçelievler’de birer konak,
Toprakta huzur, ne büyük ortak!
Gün geldi betonlar sardı bizi,
Doğadan uzaklaştırdı herkesi.

Sonra beton aldı her köşe başı,
Doğadan uzaklaştı insan evladı.
Dört duvar arası, daraldı yollar,
Her yüz buruştu, gözler donuk bakar.

Artık toprak yok, beton yapılar,
İnsanların içinde dertler, yaralar.
Her köşede öfke, kavgalar var,
Sanki bir hapiste herkes ağlar.

Öfkeyle doldu sokaklar, yollar,
Komşular kavgada, gözde kıvılcım var.
Trafik dert oldu, gerginlik sardı,
Herkes hırçın, herkes küskün, yıldı.

Toprakla sarıldıkça insan oğlu,
Mutluluk yayılır, huzura doğru .
Ama beton küser, kaçırır bizden,
Doğayla dost olan mutlu her halinden.

Ödül değil bize bu taş, bu kat,
Uzak kaldıkça her şey yarım, eksik tat.
Doğayla barışan hep huzur bulur,
Toprağa dokunan dertleri unutur.

Oysa toprak can’dır, huzur verir,
Doğayla barışan dertten ferah gelir.
Topraktan uzaksa insan, yalnızdır,
Mutluluk dağıtır, doğayla yakın durur.

Haydi, dönelim yine o eskiye,
Toprağın, yeşilin sevgisiyle.
Doğada bulalım biz kendimizi,
Mutluluk yaysın her nefesimizi

Dönelim toprağa, o eski güne,
Bahçelerde dostça el ele, yine.
Beton değil bize huzur veren,
Topraktan aldığımız sevgidir en temiz gelen

Far from the Land and We are Detached

Once upon a time we were gardens, small houses,
We were worth the land, we would be free from trouble.
We were friends with the trees, the flowers, the garden,
We were refreshed and excited with the soil every day.

There was a time when there were green gardens,
Hearts in every home, free flowers.
Our hands were worth the land,
All the troubles would pass, we would lighten up.

In the slums, we arrived in peace,
We woke up with a smile in our eyes.
Touched the earth, hearts flowed,
The electricity went out, the hearts burned.

A mansion in Bahçelievler,
Peace in the land, what a great partner!
The day has come, the concretes have surrounded us,
It took everyone away from nature.

Then he took concrete at every corner,
He has moved away from nature, son of man.
Between the four walls, the Decayed roads,
Every face is wrinkled, eyes look dull.

There is no land anymore, concrete structures,
There are troubles in people, wounds.
There is anger, fights on every corner,
It's like in a prison, everyone cries.

The streets filled with anger, the roads,
Neighbors are in a fight, there is a spark in the eye.
Traffic was a problem, tension surrounded,
Everyone is angry, everyone is angry, it was a year.

As the son of man is wrapped in the earth,
Happiness spreads, towards peace .
But if the concrete crumbles, it will miss us,
Happy every state that is friendly with nature.

This is not a reward for us, this stone, this floor,
As long as you stay away, everything is half, incomplete taste.
Whoever makes peace with nature always finds peace,
Forget the troubles that touched the ground.

But the earth is life, it gives peace,
Whoever makes peace with nature gets relief from trouble.
If it is far away from the earth, people are lonely,
Distributes happiness, stops close to nature.

Come on, before he's back again,
With the love of the earth, the green.
Let's find ourselves in nature, we,
The publication of happiness you're every breath

In the back ground, those old days,
Friendly hands in the gardens, again.
Gives us that peace of mind is not concrete,
From the purest love we receive from the Earth

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 28.10.2024 10:10:00