The Poem Şiiri - Yorumlar

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i found music
and art
in my writing.

nothing else:

“honesty is the best policy”,

Tamamını Oku
  • Akın Akça
    Akın Akça 29.05.2005 - 06:39

    honesty's the best policy but policy's not truth

    we've refused for all, the cell have the best policy with its cell wall

    Cevap Yaz
  • Mikdati Bal
    Mikdati Bal 28.05.2005 - 17:10

    Follow your hart
    and be honest,
    Being smart is the key
    to be at your best
    Write what is in your
    after you weigh
    what you say

    It was shor but meaningful.....

    Mikdat Bal

    Cevap Yaz

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