Suat Bey’e
Dostluğun gölgesinde serinler yorgun yürek,
Sevgi dolu sözlerin, ruhlara açar çiçek.
Gülüşün bir bahardır, kışlara umut taşır,
Her misafirin sende, gönül sıcaklığı bulur.
Anadolu evladısın, hürmetin taç misali,
Nezaketin özünden, sadelikten bir hâli.
Misafir baş üstünde, dostluksa özün olur,
Sohbetin bir deryadır, derdi dermansız durur.
Gönüller meclisidir odası, sıcak ve huzur dolu,
Her kelimesi tatlıdır, sohbeti dostla dolu.
Misafiri baş tacıdır, hürmet eder sevgiyle,
Sevecen bir Anadolu evladı, yürek dolu muhabbetle.
Güler yüzü eksilmez, keder girmez gönlüne,
Bereket yağar her âna, şubeye, evine.
Kardeşliği candandır, dostluğa kalpten bağlı,
Samimiyetin meyvesi, yürekleri sarar can bağı.
Suat Bey, yüzün gülsün, gam vurmasın yüreğe,
Bereket dolsun ömrün, mutluluk gelsin eve.
Samimiyet meşalendir, gönülleri yakmaya,
Dostların hep dua eder, adını anıp semaya
Emre Bey’le birliktedir, dostluğun güzel hali,
Sohbetleri özlem gibi, ruhu sarar misali.
Atama şube değil bu, sanki bir dost diyarı,
Her gelenin içini ısıtır, sevgi dolu pınarı.
Şuben bir sohbet meclis, sevgi akar her sözden,
Gönlün cömert pınardır, dostluğu süzer özden.
Güler yüzün daim olsun, ışık sönmesin sende,
Huzur dolsun her âna, neşe eksilmesin tende.
Suat Bey’im yüzün gülsün, ömrün baharla dolsun,
Gönlünden huzur eksilmesin, dert sana uğramasın.
Şuben bereketle dolsun, hanen ışıkla dolup taşsın,
Dualarımız seninledir, yürekler hep yoldaş olsun
To Mr. Suat
Cool in the shadow of friendship tired heart,
Your loving words, a flower that opens to souls.
Your smile is a spring, it carries hope to the winters,
Every guest finds warmth of heart in you.
You are a son of Anatolia, your reverence is like a crown,
From the essence of kindness, a state of simplicity.
The guest is on top, and friendship becomes your essence,
Your conversation is a stream, your problem stops without a stream.
The chamber is a council of hearts, warm and peaceful,
Every word is sweet, his conversation is full of friends.
His guest is the crown of the head, he respects with love,
A loving Anatolian son, with a heart-filled conversation.
His smiling face does not decrease, grief does not enter his heart,
Blessings rain down on every mother, branch, home.
His brotherhood is candan, he is wholeheartedly attached to friendship,
The fruit of sincerity, the bond of life that wraps the hearts.
Mr. Suat, let your face smile, let it not hit the heart,
May your life be full of blessings, may happiness come home.
Sincerity is your torch, to burn the hearts,
Your friends always pray, mention your name to the moon.
He is with Emre Bey, the beautiful state of friendship,
Their conversations are like longing, as if they envelop the soul.
This is not an assignment branch, it's like a friendly land,
It warms the insides of everyone who comes, a fountain full of love.
Your branch is a conversation assembly, love flows from every word,
Your heart is a generous fountain, it filters friendship from the very core.
May your smiling face be forever, may the light not go out on you,
May peace be filled in every moment, may joy not decrease in the skin.
Mr. Suat, may your face smile, may your life be filled with spring,
Do not lose peace of mind, do not let trouble come to you.
May your branch be filled with blessings, may your household be filled with light,
Our prayers are with you, may our hearts always be comrades
Kayıt Tarihi : 2.12.2024 12:05:00
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