Sophia, my beloved, if you want to know,
The power of love, let me show.
To those who love Laila, dawn appears,
For waiting until dawn is what love adheres.
If you're not Macnun, who loves his Laila true,
Tell me then, who has fallen like him in love with you?
Life is a sly one, it can seduce,
And it can be cruel, its ways let loose.
But those who do not know how to be a moth to Shams,
Cannot grasp the true meaning of love's aims.
Love elevates us, it's the highest peak,
It changes us, makes us whole and unique.
Oh Sophia, my love, come close to me,
And let us both enjoy love's beauty.
Kemal Ersözlü
Kayıt Tarihi : 12.5.2023 08:36:00
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"Leyl-i Mecnun" Şiirimsi İklimi'nden Ecnebiye bir Meltem Esintisi... Sophia (el-Hikme) .
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