Sn Yavuz Patıra Şükran Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Sn Yavuz Patıra Şükran

Yavuz Müdürüm’e Şükran

Bir kutu çikolatayla gönüller aldı yine,
Ama çikolata değil, sevgisi vardı içinde.
Samimiyeti, dostluğu, muhabbeti o sunan,
Ben de şükürle aldım, kabul ettim candan.

Güler yüzüyle ışık saçar her yana,
Sıcak kanlı duruşu, dostluğu yaraşır ona.
Her daim kalabalık olsa da başında işi,
Bir tebessüm eder, hoş tutar gönülleri.

Çay ocağından geçerken selamsız olmaz,
O varken orada, dostluğa sınır konmaz.
Yoğun olsa dahi esirgemez muhabbetti,
İki cümleyle dahi olsa mest eder gönülleri.

Günlerin hep bereketle dolsun,
Akıbetin hayır, ömrün uzun olsun.
Muhabbetin daim, sevgin bol olsun,
Allah’ın rahmeti her an yanında bulunsun.

Dostluğun, yüreğinden akan bir nehirdir,
Her damlası sevgi, her kelimesi değerdir.
Seninle muhabbet eden huzuru bulur,
Yavuz Müdürüm, gönüller seni hep duyar.

Başın ne kadar kalabalık olsa da,
Dostlarına her daim vakit ayıran da.
Tevazusuyla gönüllerde taht kurmuş,
Samimiyetiyle nice dostluklar kurmuş.

Allah razı olsun senden, iyiliğin daim,
Sevgin gönlümüzde, adın sahih daim.
Her anın bereketli, yolun açık olsun,
Dostlarınla beraber yolun hep huzur olsun.

Selamın, tebessümün birer armağandır,
Muhabbetin, gönüllere açılan bir kapıdır.
Sen ki sevgiyle yoğrulmuşsun her an,
Yavuz Müdürüm, dostlarınla ebedi kal bu yolda can!

Allah’ın sevgisine layık ol daima,
Yolun açık, gönlün ferah, her anın sefa.
Teşekkürler her şey için, saygılar size,
Muhabbetiniz daim, Allah huzur versin size.

Gratitude to My Yavuz Director

He took hearts again with a box of chocolates,
But it wasn't chocolate, it had love in it.
He offers sincerity, friendship, conversation,
I also received it with gratitude, I accepted it cordially.

Radiates light with her smiling face everywhere,
His warm-blooded stance, friendship is worthy of him.
Even though it's always a crowd, it's always a job at the beginning,
He makes a smile, keeps their hearts pleasant.

There is no greeting when passing through the tea January,
When he is there, there are no limits to friendship.
Even if it was intense, it was a merciless conversation,
Even with two sentences, it will delight their hearts.

May your days always be filled with blessings,
May your fate, no, may your life be long.
Always have a conversation, have a lot of love,
May the mercy of Allah be with you at every moment.

Your friendship is a river flowing from your heart,
Every drop of love, every word is worth it.
He who converses with you finds peace,
Yavuz Director, the hearts always hear you.

No matter how crowded your head is,
And who always makes time for his friends.
He has established a throne in the hearts with his humility,
He has made many friendships with his sincerity.

God bless you, your goodness is always,
Your love is in our hearts, your name is real forever.
Every moment is fertile, may your path be clear,
May your journey always be peaceful with your friends.

Your greeting, your smile are a gift,
Your conversation is a door that opens to the hearts.
You who are kneaded with love at every moment,
Yavuz Manager, stay with your friends forever on this road, can!

Always be worthy of God's love,
Your path is open, your heart is spacious, every moment is fun.
Thanks for everything, regards to you,
Your conversation is constant, may Allah give you peace.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 18.10.2024 10:47:00