Sn İsa Enişte Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Sn İsa Enişte

Yitirdi babasını, çocuktu daha,
Annesiz büyüdü, gözünde yara.
Bir sevda aradı her an, her gece,
Yürek hep kırık, dolu bin bilmece.

Yoklukla sınandı, açtı kapısını,
Misafir severdi, içten sofrasını.
Dostluktu onun tek dayanağı,
Bir yudum çaydı en tatlı çağı.

Çekti acıları, kimseler bilmez,
Bir ana, bir baba sevgisini bekler.
Dostu için gözünü kırpmadan durur,
Yaralı bir gönül, yine de korur.

Sevdiğini aldı, bedelini ödedi,
Aşkının yolunda her şeyi denedi.
Kendine yazdı o buruk kitabı,
Satırlarda saklı acının hesabı.

İsa enişte, gönlü derin derya,
Çektiği acılar hala başında taçla.
Yaralarını sarmak için açar kolları,
Hayatın tokadını yemiş bu adamın halleri.

Dostluklara sarıldı, buldu bir nefes,
Hayatın yükünü taşır, yine de gülerek.
Yüreği geniş, sohbeti candan,
Bir bardak çayda saklıdır bütün sırdan.

He lost his father, he was still a child,
He grew up not being able to get enough of his mother, and had a scar in his eye.
He searched for a love every moment, every night,
The heart is always broken, full of a thousand riddles.

He was tested by poverty, he opened his door,
He loved guests and his sincere table.
Friendship was his only basis,
A sip of tea was the sweetest age.

He suffered, no one knows,
He waits for the love of a mother and a father.
He stands without blinking for his friend,
A wounded heart still protects.

He took what he loved, he paid the price,
He tried everything in the path of his love.
He wrote that bitter book to himself,
Account of the pain hidden in the lines.

Uncle Jesus, his heart is deep,
The pain he suffered is still with a crown on his head.
He opens his arms to heal your wounds,
The situation of this man who has been slapped by life.

He hugged friendships, found a breath,
He carries the burden of life, still smiling.
His heart is wide, his conversation is cordial,
The whole secret is hidden in a glass of tea.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 12.9.2024 09:05:00