Sn Abdullah Bilim Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Sn Abdullah Bilim

Abdullah BİLİM’in Yüreği

Bir ömür geçti kirada, dert yoldaşı oldu,
Hayat ona gülmedi, kederi boldu.
Vatan, millet aşkıyla yanar içi,
Ama ne yazık ki kimse bilmedi hâlini, sualini.

Eskiden mobilyacıydı, eli ustaydı,
Her işinde bir sabır, yüreği deryaydı.
Sonra işler ters döndü, kader vurdu onu,
Ama o hep direndi, bırakmadı yolunu.

Siyasetle uğraştı, hiç menfaat beklemedi,
Millet derdiyle doldu, dualar eksik etmedi.
Vatanını severdi, Millet Partisi’ni,
Her adımında Allah için yaktı kandili.

Kiralar içinde geçti ömrü,
Ulubey’de bir ev, gönlünde hasret büyüdü.
Suriyelilerle komşu, ama hâlâ umut dolu,
Gönlünde vatan sevdası, başında bir duman bulutu.

Bağlara gider, arılarıyla dost,
Üretmeyi sever, dostlarına bal sunar post.
Çayı, sigarası hep yoldaşı,
Sohbeti açılınca coşar, neşelenir başı.

Her gittiği yerde dost bulur,
Sosyal, heyecanlı, yüreği hep pırıl pırıl durur.
Ama bir garip kul işte, hep temiz kalbi,
Allah’ın yolunda, yüreğinde sonsuz sevgi.

Hayat ona zor olsa da o direniyor,
Yüreğinde umut var, ışığı hep yanıyor.
Abdullah Bilim, garip ama koca bir dağ,
Allah’ın izinde yürür, her adımı bir sevda bağı.

Dertler ona yük oldu, ama eğilmedi,
Vatan, millet aşkıyla doldu, hiç değişmedi.
Bu dünyada ne bulduysa hep gönülden verdi,
Allah rızası için yaşadı, işte onun gerçek derdi.

Abdullah's Heart

A lifetime passed in the rental, he became a companion in trouble,
Life did not smile at him, his sorrow was abundant.
Your heart burns with the love of your homeland and nation,
But unfortunately, no one knew his situation or his question.

He used to be a furniture maker, he was a master,
He had patience and a deep heart in everything he did.
Then things went wrong, fate struck him,
But he always resisted and did not give up.

He was involved in politics, he did not expect any benefit,
The nation was filled with troubles and did not miss prayers.
He loved his country, the Nation Party,
He lit the candle for Allah with every step he took.

He spent his life in rents,
A house in Ulubey, longing grew in his heart.
Neighboring with Syrians, but still full of hope,
Love for the homeland in his heart, a cloud of smoke on his head.

He goes to the vineyards and makes friends with his bees,
Post loves to produce and offers honey to his friends.
His tea and cigarettes are always his companions,
When the conversation starts, he becomes excited and cheerful.

He finds friends wherever he goes,
He is social, excited, and his heart is always bright.
But he is a strange servant, always with a pure heart,
Infinite love in your heart for the sake of Allah.

Even though life is hard for him, he resists.
There is hope in your heart, its light is always on.
Abdullah Science, a strange but huge mountain,
He walks in the footsteps of Allah, every step is a bond of love.

Troubles weighed him down, but he did not bow down,
He was filled with love for his homeland and nation, and he never changed.
Whatever he found in this world, he always gave it wholeheartedly,
He lived for the sake of Allah, that's his real problem.

Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 19.9.2024 12:23:00