Şifa Duası Şiiri Şiiri - Sıcak Rüzgar

Sıcak Rüzgar




Şifa Duası Şiiri

Şifa Duası…

Ey derdi veren, dermanı sunan,
Gönülleri huzurla saran, kuran,
Şifâya muhtaç yüreklere ışık,
Dualarımız sana, yüce Mevlâ’m, açık.

Ey yüce Rabbim, dertlere derman sensin,
Kalpleri huzura erdiren Sultan sensin.
Şifâ ver Ayten Teyzemize, merhametinle,
Dermanı sensin, yürekler teskin olur izninle.

Çekilen her acı günahlara keffaret,
Sabırla sınanan kalplere rahmet.
Hastalıkla yoğrulan bu bedenler senden,
Sağlık ve afiyet yine senin elinden.

Ayten Teyzem sabırla sınanıyor,
Her nefesi bir umutla yanıyor.
Sen ki şifâsız dert bırakmazsın,
Lütfunla tüm yaraları sararsın.

Tuğba Hocam dualarla el açmış,
Yüreği, ümitle sabıra karışmış.
Öğrencilerine ışık olan bu candan,
Annesine sağlık dileği her andan.

Tuğba Hocam dua eder seher vaktinde,
Ellerini açar senin rahmetinde.
Öğrencileriyle aydınlatır karanlıkları,
Bilgisiyle sarar ilmin yarınlarını.

Duası kabul olan hasta gönüllerden,
Ayten Teyzemize rahmet, huzur ver her dem.
Ne olur şifâ ver, hiç dert bırakmasın,
Kıymetli ömrü huzurla, sağlıkla yaşansın.

Öğrenciler, veliler dualarda birleşsin,
Rahmetinle tüm yaralar iyileşsin.
Gözlerde sevinç, kalplerde umut olsun,
Her nefes şükürle sana koşsun.

Çekilen acılar günahlara keffaret,
Sabırla dolan gönüllere rahmet.
Affet, bağışla, şifâlar ihsan et,
İmanla dolsun her dilde hasret.
Hastalığın yükünü hafif eyle sen,
Kullarını rahmetinle sevindir erken.
Dualarımız semaya yükselirken saf,
Ayten Teyzemize sağlık ver, Ey Latif!

Ey Merhametli, kullarına yâr olan,
Dertleri dermanla sükûna bağlayan,
Şifâ ver, hiçbir dert iz bırakmasın,
Kalbimizde dualarımızda hep sana aksın.

Sen dileyince her şey olur, biter,
Derman arayan sana yönelir, yeter.
Şifâsız dert, çaresiz gam kalmasın,
Ayten Teyzemiz sağlıcakla yaşasın.

Ey Rabbim, şifâ veren sensin, tek Melik,
Dualarımız göğe yükselsin, sâf ve samimîlik.
Ayten Teyzemize ferahlık nasip eyle,
Sağlık, huzur ve uzun ömür ihsan eyle.


Prayer of Healing…

O giver of troubles, giver of troubles,
Who surrounds the hearts with peace, the Qur'an,
Light for hearts in need of healing,
Our prayers are open to you, my dear Mawla.

O my almighty Lord, you are the one who cares for troubles,
You are the Sultan who brings peace to the hearts.
Heal our Aunt Ayten, with your mercy,
You are your problem, hearts will be comforted with your permission.

Expiation for every painful sin suffered,
Mercy to the hearts that are tested with patience.
These bodies that are kneaded with disease are from you,
Health and well-being are out of your hands again.

My Aunt Ayten is being tested with patience,
Every breath is burning with hope.
You who do not leave problems without healing,
With your grace, you heal all wounds.

Teacher Tuğba opened his hands with prayers,
His heart is mixed with hope and patience.
This cordial, which is a light to its students,
A wish for health to his mother from every moment.

Teacher Tuğba prays at dawn,
He opens his hands in your mercy.
Illuminates the darkness with his students,
He embraces the tomorrows of knowledge with his knowledge.

From the sick hearts whose prayer is accepted,
Mercy to our Aunt Ayten, give her peace of mind.
Please heal, don't let it leave any problems,
May his precious life be lived in peace and health.

Let students, parents unite in prayers,
May all wounds be healed with your mercy.
Let there be joy in the eyes, hope in the hearts,
Let every breath run to you with gratitude.

Suffering is an expiation for sins,
Mercy on the hearts that are filled with patience.
Forgive, forgive, bestow healings,
Let it be filled with faith, longing in every language.
Lighten the burden of the disease you,
Rejoice your servants with your mercy early.
Our prayers are pure as they rise to heaven,
Give health to our Aunt Ayten, O Latif!

O Merciful One, who is kind to his servants,
Connecting problems with your skin to your calm,
Heal, let no trouble leave a trace,
May our hearts always flow to you in our prayers.

When you wish, everything happens, it ends,
The caller will turn to you, that's enough.
Healless trouble, let there be no desperate gamut,
May our Aunt Ayten live well.

O my Lord, you are the one who heals, the only Melik,
May our prayers go up to heaven, pure and sincere.
Give refreshment to our Aunt Ayten,
Bestow on you health, peace and long life.


Sıcak Rüzgar
Kayıt Tarihi : 20.12.2024 12:20:00