Semi-exing's not a Styks Şiiri - Yorumlar

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Standing in the middle as always the semi-axe; However, its a labrys also, from ‘snowyhook amazonas’.
Standing there’s me while i’m near to you as always; As always, you’re the semi-ex, don’t you?
So you don’t give up ‘n fly away, at least life’s grey; Oh semi-ex lover, as always is it somewhat a trap?
Are you jokin’ when you’re mercyho lily in very much business; When somebody’s sick, one cannot easily jogging.
At that moment, whatever you are thinking; It’s a horrified joke as always, now-times i mean.
Cos you’re the witness of that theft in the future: Breaking up is not real for us, pray at least..
..But not last, you have PP degree as shaping dignity, Whenever you would come, this side is my agree.

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