Ey para, dönersin dünya etrafında,
Göz alırsın her daim altın safında,
Ne dağ, ne deniz kalır yolun karşısında,
Yol açar, köprü olur, para deyince.
Krallar baş eğer, tacı bırakır,
Saraylar devrilir, tahtlar yıkılır,
Namus da unutulur, şeref kırılır,
Unutulur ne varsa, para deyince.
Dostluklar tükenir, çıkarlar parlar,
Her gönül kapanır, kapılar arlar,
Gül açmaz dallarda, güvercin ağlar,
Uçurumlar büyür, para deyince.
Bir elde güç olur, diğer elde hırs,
Kara bulut çeker her güzel bakış,
Zamanla dostluktan kalmaz bir kırıntı,
Hep menfaat güder, para deyince.
Zenginin sofrası dolup taşarken,
Yoksulun lokması gözüne bakar,
Bir çocuk aç kalır, bir umut solar,
Vicdanı susturur, para deyince.
Görmemiş gözler bir anda açılır,
Bilmeyen her şeyden habersiz olur,
Adalet kaybolur, çıkar yol bulur,
Diller mühürlenir, para deyince.
Namus bir eski hikaye misali,
Onur, şeref satılır hiç pahalı,
Her şeyin bir fiyatı var misali,
İnsan da hesaplanır, para deyince.
Kim hak, kim haksız, fark etmez artık,
Para varsa doğru, yoksa yanlıştır,
Bir zalim haklı çıkar, mazlum yanılır,
Adalet eğilir, para deyince.
Hakkı emekle kazanmak erdemdir,
Fakat göz aldanır, hileye yönelir,
Kısa yoldan zengin olmak sevdadır,
Ter dökmeden gelir, para deyince.
Bir eski dostsan eğer, neye yarar,
Paranın olmadığı yer hep yıkar,
Aşkı bile bozar, yolu daraltır,
Sevda bile satılır, para deyince.
Ticaret olur haram, karışır kârla,
Siyaset döner hep paranın hatırına,
İnsanı kul eder, zalimi yüce,
Bir saltanat kurulur, para deyince.
Ey para, zehrinle ruhları bozdun,
Her şeyi satın aldın, dünyayı soldurdun,
Şeytan tahtına oturdu, hep kandırdın,
Yürekte kin doğurdun, para deyince.
İnsanlar seninle bir olur, çatar,
Hırsızlar malı çalar, yollar daralır,
Fakir her gün umutla yolunu arar,
Ama sonunda kaybolur, para deyince.
Senin olmadığın yer ne kadar uzak,
Fakirler hep bir umut, hep tuzak,
Parayla gelen dostluksa, yalandır mutlak,
Sahte maskeler düşer, para deyince.
Sonu olmayan bir yarış, sonsuz hırslar,
Kölesi olanlar, kaybolur tüm arzular,
Ey para, ne özgürlük ne de huzur var,
Bir esaret başlar, para deyince.
Gör ki dünya senin peşinden koşar,
Bir gün bitecek bu rüya, herkes yatar,
Toprak altında kimse seni aramaz,
O vakit anlarsın, para da yanar.
Para için ne söylesem az gelir,
Çarkları çevirir, dünya delirir,
Tüm dilleri susturur, gerçek erir,
Dostlar düşman olur, para deyince.
Krallar tahtını bırakır yere,
Adalet eğilir, bakmaz kimseye,
Ne değer, ne onur kalır dillerde,
Namertler güçlenir, para deyince.
Kim ki şerefini satmış bu uğurda,
Kim ki vicdanını atmış bir kolda,
Her yol mübah olur, hakkı bulmayanda,
Çiçekler solar hep, para deyince.
Bir yüzü altındır, diğeri kara,
Arsızlar, hırsızlar kurar pazarla,
Hileler dizilir saf saf yan yana,
Namusun bedeli, para deyince.
Zenginin sofrası dolup taşarken,
Yoksulun karnı boş, çaresiz bakar,
Kapılar kapanır, dostluklar yıkar,
Dünya soğur durmaz, para deyince.
Çıkarlar dost olur, menfaat sırdaş,
Göz görmez gerçeği, yalan yoldaş,
İnsanın içini kemirir açmaz,
Sevda da tükenir, para deyince.
Haram helal karışır bir arada,
Dönüp bakmaz kimse haktan yana,
Nice yollar aşılmaz, düşler karanlıkta,
Hakkı boğar hayat, para deyince.
Nice gönülleri böler, parçalar,
Doymaz o tok gözler, hep daha arar,
Fakir bir kenarda umudu sayar,
Zenginler saltanat sürer, parayla.
Ey para! Sen nelere kadirsin,
İnsanı insanlıktan edersin,
Ne gerçek, ne yalan, her şey bir sis,
Koca dünyayı dize getirirsin.
Aldanma seni seven ellere,
Bir gün yok olursun ateşle, küle,
Sonsuz sanırlar seni, oysa ne,
Gerçek saadet değil, para deyince.
En zengin, en fakir fark etmez anla,
Bir gün hesap verilir mahşer sabahında,
Para mı kurtarır seni orada?
İşte o zaman biter her şey, para…
O money, you turn around the world,
You will always look at the golden line,
There is no mountain, no sea left across the road,
It opens a road, becomes a bridge, when you say money.
If the kings head, he leaves the crown,
Palaces are overthrown, thrones are destroyed,
Honor is also forgotten, honor is broken,
Everything is forgotten when it comes to money.
Friendships fade, interests shine,
Every heart closes Decently, doors open,
The rose does not open in the branches, the dove cries,
Cliffs grow when you say money.
There is power in one hand, ambition in the other,
A dark cloud attracts every beautiful look,
Over time, there will be no friendship, not a crumb,
He always makes a profit, when he says money.
When the rich's table is overflowing,
The poor man's morsel looks into his eye,
A child goes hungry, a hope fades,
It silences the conscience, when it comes to money.
The eyes that have not seen are opened in an instant,
He who does not know becomes unaware of everything,
Justice disappears, finds a way out,
Languages are sealed when money is mentioned.
Honor is like an old story,
Honor, honor is sold ever expensive,
As if everything has a price,
A person is also calculated, when you say money.
Who is right, who is wrong, it doesn't matter anymore,
If there is money, it is right, otherwise it is wrong,
A tyrant is right, the oppressed is wrong,
Justice bends when it comes to money.
It is a virtue to earn the right with labor,
But the eye is deceived, it turns to deception,
He likes to be rich in a short way,
He comes without breaking a sweat, when he says money.
If you are an old friend, what is the use,
Where there is no money, it always washes,
It even spoils love, narrows the path,
Even love is sold, when you say money.
Trade becomes haram, it mixes with profit,
Politics always turns for the sake of money,
He makes a servant of man, the oppressor is supreme,
A reign is established when money is mentioned.
O money, you have corrupted souls with your poison,
You bought everything, you withered the world,
The devil sat on the throne, you were always deceived,
You have given birth to hatred in the heart, when you say money.
People become one with you, crack,
Thieves steal goods, roads narrow,
The poor seek their way with hope every day,
But eventually it disappears, when you say money.
How far away is the place where you are not,
The poor are always a hope, always a trap,
If it's friendship that comes with money, it's an absolute lie,
Fake masks fall off when you say money.
A race without end, endless ambitions,
Those who are slaves, all desires disappear,
O money, there is neither freedom nor peace,
A captivity begins, when money is mentioned.
See that the world is running after you,
One day this dream will end, everyone goes to bed,
No one will look for you under the ground,
Then you'll understand, the money will burn too.
Whatever I say for money comes little,
The wheels turn, the world goes crazy,
It silences all tongues, the truth melts,
Friends become enemies when they say money.
Kings leave their throne on the ground,
Justice bends down, does not look at anyone,
What value, what honor remains in languages,
Names get stronger when you say money.
Who has sold his honor for this,
Who has thrown his conscience in an arm,
Every path is blabah, when you do not find the right,
Flowers always fade when you say money.
One side is gold, the other is black,
Cheeky, thieves set up with Sunday,
The tricks are lined up side by side pure by pure,
The price of honor, when I say money.
When the rich's table is overflowing,
The poor's belly looks empty, helpless,
Doors close, friendships break down,
As soon as the world gets cold, when you say money.
Interests become friends, interests become confidants,
The eye does not see the truth, the lie, comrade,
As soon as it gnaws at a person's insides, it opens,
Love also runs out, when you say money.
Haram halal mixes Decently together,
No one will turn around and look on the side of the right,
How many roads are impassable, dreams are in the dark,
It suffocates the right to life, when you say money.
How many hearts are divided, divided,
Those full eyes are insatiable, always looking for more,
Counts hope on a poor edge,
The rich rule, with money.
O money! What are you capable of,
You dehumanize a person,
What a truth, what a lie, everything is a fog,
You'll bring the whole world to its knees.
Don't be fooled by the hands that love you,
One day you will disappear with fire, ashes,
They think you are eternal, but what,
Not real happiness, when you say money.
The richest, the poorest, it doesn't matter understand,
One day an account will be given on the morning of judgment,
Will money save you there?
That's when it all ends, money…
Kayıt Tarihi : 10.10.2024 10:09:00
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