Osman Abi’m, Herkül mü desem Hulk mu?
Vücudu üçgen, kollarıysa sağlam taş mı?
Gören sanır ki demirden bir kalp saklar,
Oysa yüreğinde bir çocuk masumiyeti var.
Pazuları öyle güçlü, göğsü dağ gibi,
Ama biliriz ki taşıdığı, hayatın yükü hep diri.
Kadınlar onun için hayal kurar, rüyalara dalar,
Ama Osman Abi’nin kalbi, merhametle parlar.
Gözler hep onda, sporcuya ilham,
Ama o mütevazı, durmaz hiçbir zaman.
Edebiyle, terbiyesiyle örnek bir adam,
Herkes sever, sayar, hep yanına varan.
Kaslıdır kolları, pazuları geniş,
Ama merhametlidir, kalbi ince, serinmiş.
Sporun idölü, hayallerin erkeği,
Osman Abi’m, gönüllerin gerçek meleği!
Spor salonunda idol, herkesin gözü onda,
Ama hep ağırbaşlı, terbiyesi her durumda.
Elinde öyle güç var, kullanmaz kötüye,
Allah’tan iyi niyetli, yoksa çok can yanar öyle.
Evrak bölümünde çalışır, işini tam yapar,
Çevresinde herkes sever, saygı hep ondan akar.
Sadece kas değil, karakter de yüce,
Osman Abi’m, seninle dost olmak da nice!
Evraklar arasında, dev gibi durur,
Ama o sessizce, işini hep bulur.
Kuvvet var ellerde, kalpte bir bahar,
O olmasa şube daha bir karanlık dar.
Heybetin var ama kalbin bir bahar,
Ona bakan gözler hep sevgi arar.
Sen, hem kuvvetli hem de nazik biri,
Gerçekten efsanesin, gönüllerin piri.
Dünya sana baksın, örnek alsın seni,
Ama asıl Osman Abim, gönlümüzdeki inci!
Brother Osman, should I say Hercules or Hulk?
Is his body triangular, and his arms solid stone?
He who sees thinks that he hides a heart of iron,
Yet there is a child's innocence in his heart.
His biceps are so strong, his chest is like a mountain,
But we know that the burden of life that he carries is always alive.
Women dream for him, indulge in dreams,
But Osman Abi's heart shines with compassion.
His eyes are always on him, inspiring the athlete,
But he is humble, he never stops.
An exemplary man with his manners, decency,
Everyone loves, counts, is always there for you.
His arms are muscular, his biceps are wide,
But he is merciful, his heart is thin, cool.
The idol of sports, the man of dreams,
My Brother Osman, the true angel of the hearts!
Idol in the gym, everyone's eyes are on him,
But he is always dignified, his manners are in any case.
He has such power in his hands, he does not use abuse,
God has good intentions, otherwise it will hurt a lot.
He works in the paperwork department, does his job fully,
Everyone around him loves, respect always flows from him.
Not only November, but also the character is supreme,
Brother Osman, it's nice to be friends with you!
Between the Decals, he stands like a giant,
But he always finds his work quietly.
There is strength in the hands, a spring in the heart,
If not for that, the branch is more dark narrow.
You have majesty, but your heart is a spring,
The eyes that look at him are always looking for love.
You are a strong and kind person,
You are truly a legend, piri of hearts.
Let the world look at you, let it take you as an example,
But the real Osman, my brother, is the pearl in our hearts!
Kayıt Tarihi : 17.10.2024 11:13:00
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