I cut my hair now
I dont want to break a heart
Cutting hair is always a novelty
Now my hair is gone
Therefore and the bad things in the past
I'll be soft now
And I wont criticize
What is what
We can never learn
Our minds are teapot
And we drink it
Buse Güngör
Kayıt Tarihi : 29.11.2020 20:31:00

© Bu şiirin her türlü telif hakkı şairin kendisine ve / veya temsilcilerine aittir.

Our head is a teapot
Our minds are tea
My enthusiasm glass
My love is sugar
Fill Fill Inside say
Those who see me
My heart is saucepan
Love inside
Whims pan
Internal hostility
They say fill, fill, eat
Those who see me